[center][h2][b][color=f26522]Enyo Garret[/color][/b][/h2][/center]
 [center][h3][color=f26522]"[i]The name's... Ghost[/i][/color][/h3][/center]

[b][color=f26522]Call Sign:[/color][/b] 


170 Lbs


The Northern Frontier 


Enyo was only 17 when he Joined the armed forces of the North. He already received training at the age of 15 due to the rising tension of the world was apparent. He received training in many different smaller scout Mechs. Usually ones meant for Anti-Troop engagements during the Orio War. He quickly moved up the Ranks from Second lieutenant to Captain. Allowing him to access to more of the expensive larger Mechs. At 2225 he lead a Fire team, equipped with the medium assault Mechs: MK1 wolverines. A Mech that carried long Range hard hitting weaponry.


Enyo was now promoted to Major and was transferred to a Special Unit. Specializing in operating fast Long range strikes and disappearing as if they were never there. Spending Days, Weeks, Months in the field until their mission is complete. The unit was known as The [i]North's Reapers[/i]. The unit was highly effective at taking out heavier assault Mechs and stationary positions. Enyo lead a whole Squad of Mechs throughout the whole war, proving himself in several dozen combat missions. While normally this would mean a long prosperous career for him in the future, it was anything but. The special unit lost all Names, insignia, and mostly their lives. Every Pilot in the Unit was officially documented KIA, a Reaper doesn't die because he is already dead. This was due to the secrecy of the Unit and the operations they conducted were meant to look like ghosts in the wind. None of their mission success and failures were reported, giving most of the Northern Population the much needed hope during these dark times. Stories of Apparitions of fallen Hero's coming from the dead and removing the invaders from their lands. Nothing was further than the truth and only the highest of Rank knew about the Reaper's actual existence.

Each Piloted the Stealth-Strike unit: Mk2 Wraiths. A bastardized mix of technology from Hylo, Therux, and the North.

With the end of the war, came the Reaper's career. Most were offered another life, completely set so they may live happily until the day they die. They were all already dead on records. Some of their family's had moved on, some of them had no family left. Most of the reapers left. Living out their lives comfortably. Some Ran. Taking their Mechs, in fear that the North was setting them up for death, to forever hide their precious secrets. Enyo was one of those men. Deserting and fleeing to the FreeLands, tearing out anything that would tack his movements with the help of some unaware engineers. With some persuasion with a highly powerful connection, he was integrated into the Outcast Guild. Stealing his Mech, One out of Twenty Eight in existence.

Tactical Preference & Skills:[/b] [/color]
Stealth and Tactical strikes. Hitting the enemy where they are the weakest from the shadows. Also he carries extensive knowledge in leading in stealth missions with multiple Mechs in his command. Due to his past missions of long deployments, he is extremely patient, a Hunter in a field of Doe.
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[center][h2][b][color=f26522]SAM-M5-Mk2 Wraith[/color][/b][/h2][/center]


[b][color=f26522]Body & Type: [/color][/b] 
M2+ Medium Bipedal Mech

[b][color=f26522]Power Source:[/color][/b] 
M2 Fusion Quad Core Generator

45 Tons (with full armament)

20 Meters

45 Kph Cruising

65 Kph Top speed

[b][color=f26522]Equipment & Armaments :[/color][/b] 

[b][color=f26522]Hand Slot 1:[/color][/b] 
SMR-40: The Silenced Marksmen Rifle is a custom weapon carried by all Wraiths. Its operation was made as simple as possible, making it extremely easy to repair and maintenance in the field. The Rifle fires off a 105mm Sub-Sonic Sabot round that is designed to 'silently' whizz through the air before penetrating enemy Mechs and turning their insides out. It carries a low magazine capacity of only 5 rounds and is quite heavy. It's targeting is linked to the view of the Pilot, allowing the Rifle to fire without the Mech needing to reveal itself from cover. The weapon has a accurate range on a Mech sized target at about 2 Kilometers.

[b][color=f26522]Sub Weapon Slot:[/color][/b] 
Mounted .50 BMG Machine gun - A automatic weapon used to deal with Smaller vehicle or Infantry targets. The Wraith hold about 1000 Rounds in two different belts. The reloading is automatic, but takes about Twenty seconds. From close ranges, it has the ability to strip Mech's of already damaged armor or their Weapon systems.

[b][color=f26522]Shoulder spot:[/color][/b] 
Diamond Catapulted-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided (COW) Missiles - Dual Square-rack missile pods holds four missiles at any given time. Each missile has a wire at the end which allows the Wraith's Pilot to guide the Missile and make a precision strike at about 1800 Meters. The Wraith can carry a total of 8 of these missiles before having to re-arm. Using a high speed Electromagnetic catapult, the missile does not make a loud noise when being launched and does not appear in Thermal imaging, due to not using fuel to propel the Missile to the target.

[b][color=f26522]Gadget Slot:[/color][/b] 

OctoCamo- Is a smart camouflage that could, within moments of coming into contact with almost any surface, replicate both its pattern and texture. It applied thermal technology to regulate the temperature of the disguised subject to better blend with the surrounding environment and to evade thermal imaging. Multiple surfaces could be mimicked at the same time, and preset camouflage patterns stored for later use. It was inspired by the mimicking abilities of the octopus, hence its name. OctoCamo.

Advanced Radar Jamming System - This device allows the Wraith to become invisible to most Mk2 Enemy Mech's radars, additionally it cannot be locked making all locked weapons useless against it. Unless target painted or counter jammed, the Wraith is invisible to all but the Naked eye.

[center][h3][b][color=f26522][u]Stat Scale[/u][/color][/b][/h3][/center]

[Center][color=f26522][b]Light/Heavy Body:[/b][/color] 

The Wraith is considered a Medium sized Mech. Being just large enough to carry formidable firepower and speed. While armor was not forgotten, it is only heavily plated in the front. This was not a problem due to the Operations the Wraiths were taking place in. 
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[Center][color=f26522][b]Accuracy & Tracking/Firepower:[/b][/color]
The Wraith was designed to attack from far ranges with precision, but also carry weapons for different situations. Stealth was it's true Weapon, but if needing to reveal itself, it would still be able to handle itself. The ranged weapons are hard hitting, but were limited in their fire rate and ammunition. 
[Center]Numbered at: [u][b]5[/b][/u][/Center]  [/Center]

[Center][b][color=f26522]Air Mobility/Thrusters: [/color][/b][/Center]
The mobility is quite fast for its type of Mech, but it isn't very agile. Not able to make complicated movements that would require a user's advanced motor skills. Turning its top 'torso' a full 360 degrees compared to its legs is about how far it's agility goes. A special maneuver it can make is dropping its 'torso' to be almost ground level. Using this to conceal itself and use it's leg armor to provide cover.
[Center]Numbered at: [u][b]5[/b][/u][/Center]

[Center][b][color=f26522]Solo/Skirmisher: [/color][/b][/Center]
The Wraith was used at the squad level. Delivering hard hitting multiple strikes to take down enemies in as few shots as possible. Usually they would sync their shots, each waiting until they had the perfect shot to completely destroy a Enemy squad or Grounded weapon platforms. Appearing as if they had spontaneously exploding without a shot fired. A lone Wraith is not much support other than Long Range fire.
[Center]Numbered at: [u][b]4[/b][/u][/Center]

The BJORN Mk5 Wraith Mech is a Mk2 Mech that was a complete custom design from inspiration of all three Waring nations. The Bjorn Corporation was a corporation that specialized Mech Weapon design. The North Offered a large sum of money to create a Mech that was made to handle the Harsh conditions of Snow storms and prolonged field Operations, Able to engage in long range strikes silently, and can operate as concealed as possible. Three different Corporation were offered the Weapon Deal. Bjorn, Jager, and Atlas. While each met the criteria in one form or another, the Bjorn's model was the most versatile so it was selected. Only 28 of these Mech were ever built and once having the rights to the Design, the North made sure to destroy any evidence of it ever being created. The Weapon systems are all created by the Bjorn Corporation and can be easily replaceable, while the technical drives of all modern Bjorn Weapons are already saved on the Wraith's system.