[center][h2][color=#2f538c]-The Wolf and the Rabbit-[/color][/h2][/center]

It was early morning in the dune lands, Sara was still sleeping in the truck, Robin was awake doing her morning exercises; [i]a hundred sit-ups, fifty pull-ups, fifty push-ups, and jogging a few laps around the truck in a 15 meter radius[/i]; Robin was quite serious about keeping in shape, call it a Northerner thing, some habits don't die, she was half-way done with her push-ups but the call on the radio coming from an open transmission interrupted her routine.

[quote=Open Transmission]
[color=#aba000]"This is T. I'll be near the Iron Canal within the day, heading in on the north side of the area. Any tag alongs are welcome."[/color]
[color=#2f538c][i]"An open job?"[/i][/color]

She checked the data-pad provided to her by the outcast guild, she checked the available missions, she quickly got up and walked over to the truck where the Rabbit slept.

[color=#2f538c][i]"Hey Sara, wake up, I got us a job. That T. guy just opened transmissions and offered a tag along, you wanna contact him or do we need the money, it's up to you; I just wanna get up and do something, we've been here for a few days without anything to do but work on The White Hare and Thrasher."[/i][/color] There was excitement in her voice, as if something big was happening, but hearing about a job that had possible combat in it has that effect when you haven't done anything in a while.

She walked over to thrasher and did a quick check, targeting, telemetry, and control diagnostics, she then monitored energy output, all nominal, she looked back at the Rabbit just waking up.

[Color=#2f538c][i]"Hey Rabbit! What's the verdict, are we doing this for ourselves or are we gonna tell the guy we're comming?"[/i][/color]
She sounded impatient, but Sara knew that's just Robin being Robin, always rearing for some action, they didn't call her 'Fang' for nothing

Robin awaited the reply, but Thrasher was all ready to go, the quicker the better, after-all the jobs kept the food on the table.