Here's all the changes I've made to Bulwark to fit with it's new role after some talks with the other players.
[hider=Equipment Changes][color=aba000]Equipment & Armaments:[/color] 
[color=aba000]Hand Slots:[/color]
[color=aba000][b]AAK-71 "Chroma Killer"[/b][/color] - One of the most devastating energy weapons put on a mech, the Chroma Killer fires a brilliant beam of energy that carves through armor like a weed whacker through grass. The beams are adjustable, going through the colors of the rainbow as they ramp up in power, red being low energy and purple being high. Understandably the energy costs for these weapons are immense, but with the near limitless energy given by the nuclear/elementum core the Bannerlord is able to bring long range devastation at a greater rate than previous models.

[color=aba000]Sub Weapon Slot:[/color]
[color=aba000][b]ATK-44 Fusion Blasters[/b][/color] - Smaller than the ones attached to Paladins, these fusion blasters work on the same principle as it's larger cousin. Short range but devastating against enemy armor and any poor schmuck caught in it's sights.

[color=aba000]Shoulder/Back Spot:[/color]
[color=aba000][b]HEM "Earthshaker Mortar"[/b][/color] - A long range mortar system mainly used for anti-infantry and smoking out hidden targets, the Earthshaker is a reliable and much louder addition to the Bulwark's weapons.

[color=aba000]Gadget Slot:[/color]
[color=aba000][b]Advanced Targeting Systems[/b][/color] - As to be expected for a sniper type mech, Toulouse is able to target enemies with pinpoint accuracy at long ranges.

[color=aba000][b]Counter Scrambler[/b][/color] - Something to go hand in hand with the above, using several drones and advanced counter scrambling programs Toulouse is able to break past all but the most powerful scramblers.

[color=aba000]Stats Scale:[/color]
Light/Heavy Body:

Accuracy & Tracking/Firepower:

Air Mobility/Thrusters:


[color=aba000]Flavour Text:[/color]
Repurposed mobile oil rigs, the Bulwark was used in conjunction with Paladins and Cavaliers as fire support. While they aren't as renowned as their Paladin and Chevalier counterparts, the Bulwark has nonetheless been instrumental in the defense of state lands as mobile sniper platforms.[/hider]