[h2][center][b]Outcast Guild Comms[/b][/center][/h2]

Keller was surprised, the jobs were being taken in seconds from being announced a bunch of names popped up for the Iron Canal mission. [b] Voltaire, Kozar, Hawkins, Wester and Testarossa[/b] Keller , now in his office let the client know the job had been taken, but did a double take at some of the surnames.

[i][color=ed1c24]....Out here in the free-lands? That cant be possible... [/color][/i]

Keller was whispering to himself until he realized the channel opened for another mission that had two pilots accepting. [b]Alexi Krackov and Enyo Garret[/b] Keller did the same for these two pilots, letting them and the client know they had been accepted. But not before rubbing his chin in thought, where had he seen the names before? They both looked familiar but from different places. He laid back in his chair and picked up his phone, he had to make a few calls.

[h2][center][b]Fortune Region's Desertlands, The Iron Canal[/b][/center][/h2]

The desertlands were almost always barren and empty,  only 2% of the desertland landmass was inhabited by people, and there was almost no trade in this part of the freelands. Even the smallest sounds could be heard in the mostly silent desert, and the rusty coughing engine of a Mk1 Transport train could be heard even from the furthest distance. Flying machines appeared like flies in the distance  near the train seemed to be flying around the train as it chugged on at a medium low speed to wherever it was going. They seemed to be escorting the train. 

In total there were 13 visible machines

10 of which all had the same design: [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b4/f7/14/b4f714d893a4b0d0f3e47f2a0812c331--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg]Most likely Drones[/url]

The Other 3 were colour variants of this [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/e0/99/b4e099b7dd16bc38b3a652fc0d39a3a9--scifi-robots.jpg]design[/url] in pink, green and grey.

There was definitely chatter on the radio between the 3 larger mecha, but the audio couldn't be made out from a far distance. Now the 5 pilots who took the job were now slowly creeping up on the train, they werent in formation and were coming from their own respective directions, but they should have the element of surprise.

[hider=The Cargo Train]

[h2][center][b]Therux, The Ratlin & Cores Small Arms Factory[/b][/center][/h2]

The factory looked very depressing, abandoned in the middle of construction faint image of the idea of a grand expansion for the major manufacturer, Ratlin & Cores. The company was responsible for arming most of the Therux Army during the western wars, but now has been reduced to a graveyard for unused mechs, and occasional scavenging spot for opportunists. 2 Mechs began flying towards the factory site, nothing was appearing on radar just yet.