I'm sure you've all figured it out by now, but just in case, I want to declare it up front: I'm going to be a jerk. As Alex, I'm aiming to be the guy you all hate, yet grudgingly respect, and maybe if you're patient you can eventually open my heart up and see what lies beneath. But until then, DO NOT EXPECT ME TO LIKE YOU, and DO NOT EXPECT TO LIKE ME. Period. I am aiming to be the very best, and in my opinion, you are all worthless and weak, and it's going to stay that way until you prove to me that you are someone worth being. And I'm going to be just fine being that way. Deal with it. I'm saying this here because I'm not a big jerk in real life, so please don't hate me for the RP. I'm only doing it because every great story has an antagonist. I'm just volunteering. >=) Here's to the school year!