[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/rHrkTP3.jpg[/img][/center] Decades have passed since the Great War of the Fallen Gods, the legendary heroes have long since departed this world and their legacies live on in the kingdoms they gave their lives to protect. Humans, Elves, Dragons, Beasts, and even Machines live throughout the kingdoms in peace and harmony, helping eachother in their daily lives. The kingdoms flourished under the rule of their new rulers and Grand Gaia remained a peaceful land, until now. A darkness has slowly begun to loom over Grand Gaia, an ancient evil reincarnated to carry out the will of its Fallen Gods. First it was subtle in its actions, but now this darkness seeks to claim all the kingdoms under its power and to wipe this world of anyone who would dare oppose it. The kingdoms are slowly crumbling from the inside, it is only a matter of time before everything falls into chaos and anarchy, but their is still hope. The God of Light, Lucius, has heard the kingdoms cries for aid and salvation from this darkness and has now called upon the aid of a new generation of heroes to save Grand Gaia. These heroes will carve a path through the dark, they will carve out their own legacies, and save this world from destruction. [hr] [hider=Elements]Fire: The element representing flames, lava, the sun. People of this element tend to hail from the kingdom of Agni. Thunder: Wind, storms, electricity, magnetism. People of this element tend to hail from the kingdom of Athvara. Water: The great sea, ice, tsunamis, blizzards. People of this element tend to hail from the kingdom of Sama. Earth: Mountains, trees, plants, life. People of this element tend to hail from the kingdom of Vriksha. Light: The stars, creation, holiness, healing. People of this element tend to hail from the kingdom of La Veda. Dark: The moon, destruction, shadows, corruption. People of this misunderstood element tend to hail from the kingdom of Bariura.[/hider] [hider=Locations]Grand Gaia HQ: A large agency built between the dimensions seperating each of Grand Gaia's worlds. GGHQ was created to keep peace between the worlds whether through political means or by eradicating any at all threats that would follow the will of the Fallen Gods. So far, GGHQ has had a hard time dealing with recent events. Edivid Village: A village that exists between the gates, it is also home to the Grand Gaia HQ. This town sees much activity as it is the center point for most of Grand Gaia's worlds and many great warriors, mages, and other entities pass through here daily. Kingdom of Agni: While many associate the fiery kingdom with the volcanoes and mountains that dot the landscape, there are others who take time to see the beautiful side of Agni. Lush plains, crystal clear lakes and streams, and a sunset that could woo anyone. Scenery aside, Agni was founded by a mighty warrior of the same name during the War of the Fallen Gods. While the kingdom's legendary founder fell in battle, Agni would live on thanks to the heroic efforts of its warriors, including the Hero of Fire, Vargas. Today Agni is ruled by a royal family who has strong family ties to the Warrior Agni himself and you won't find a better place to learn more of the fire element than here.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet]Name: (an obvious answer) Age: (nothing to crazy unless your not going for a human character) Gender: (are you a boy, girl, or neither, or both?) Race: (can range from a human, to an elf, to a machine, even to a dragon!) Element: (what element does your character represent?) Appearance: (can be an image or a paragraph or two of descriptions) Personality: (how does your character act? Whats their view of the world?) Biography: (what was their life before Lucius called them? Where did they live?) Evolution: (as you gain power your character will begin to change physically and mentally. Note any changes that begin to take place as they gain more power, can be as simple as armor or weapons changing, to your character suddenly growing wings or a tail) Misc: (any themes or extra things that you think should be noted)[/hider] So yeah, due to inactivity on my part, I am rebooting this rp in the hopes that everything will go smoother. I'll try my best to keep things flowing smoothly and to keep things interesting for everyone.