Mahtan was falling. He could feel his body falling to the ground, he could see Susanna's face in front of him. The cold marble floor rushed to meet him and then... Nothing. His consciousness was still there, but he couldn't see, hear, or feel anything. He knew Susanna was coming to him, he knew she would be calling out, but he simply couldn't hear. Usually he was so careful, something like this never would have happened if he was worried about Susanna. Then again, why had it happened? It almost felt like something had grabbed his foot and pulled it from beneath him. It must have been the being inside the walls, yes. It could be the only possible explanation for his...death? Yes, his death, but he didn't feel dead just yet. He felt as if he was hanging in some limbo, his soul waiting to pass over to one side or another, almost as if it was being kept in this Purgatory, waiting to be brought back. He knew his body was being moved, and he knew Susanna was not alone. Lilith was there, and she appeared to be stronger than before. There was no way for Mahtan to know this, but he felt it. Everything was too confusing, too hard for him to understand. His mind was spinning, and he was simply falling through darkness. That's when a red light began to glow beneath him, calling the Elf towards it's power. Mahtan didn't try to fight it, as the light beneath him emanated so much power it froze him, scared him so badly he couldn't move. He felt his body fall into the flames, yet they did not burn him. Something was being released from it's cage, his soul was being opened. He felt some giant beast crawl into the depths of his consciousness and rear it's ugly head. It let loose a roar that made the fire rise higher and higher, carrying Mahtan and his new passenger towards the light of life. Mahtan began screaming, not knowing what he had become, not knowing what was now inside him. Only one single word came to mind; Lucifer. The Prince was reborn as he was thrown from the flames and back into his own body, gasping and filling his lungs with as much air as possible. His eyes were now the color of blood, having gotten rid of their pitiful black color of weakness. Red signified power, signified the ending of times, and the coming of death. From within the red pools that were now his eyes shown a white ink that slowly began filling in the red, until the white was large enough to make up for his pupil and iris. White surrounded by red, the sign of a truly powerful being. The eyes of the Devil, as they were more commonly known. In the past, anyone known to have adopted Lucifer's powers were instantly ripped to shreds, but Mahtan did not feel any pain. His body was slowly healing itself, it was pulling the skull back into place, patching whatever organs were still scarred from Susanna's healing touch. The Prince had now risen in the new world, and he had work to do. Mahtan moved into a standing position on top of the table, Lucifer's eyes still remaining in his head as he surveyed the room. Lilith was in control of Susanna's body, he could see this. She had backed towards the door as he rose from the table, and was now wringing her hands nervously. Abbaddon, however, was standing at the edge of the table, hands moving to touch Mahtan. He chuckled and swatted Abbaddon's hand away, his voice filled with too many tones to be recognizable as his own. "Do not touch me, Abbaddon, You no longer have control over this vessel.." were the twisted words that came from Mahtan's throat as he sneered down at the shadow form. Abbaddon merely nodded, her face turned towards the marble floor. As Mahtan moved towards the edge of the table, his eyes returning to their normal emerald color, he raised his hand at Susanna and clenched it tightly. He watched Susanna's eyes go wide, then clenched even harder until Lilith was sent back into the reaches of Susanna's mind, where she belonged. "Lilith, you are not to take control of the girl until you find a suitable host. Never again will you taint this human with your presence. Stay quiet for now, underling, the Elf has work to do." Once more, Mahtan's body shook violently and he gasped out loud as Lucifer's powers were sent to the corners of his soul, staying low for now until they were needed. This was the deal he and the Devil had struck; He would do what was asked of him, as long as the powers stayed tightly locked away within. They both had enjoyed the idea, Mahtan maintaining his usual self until battle came along, where Lucifer could destroy all he wanted until his powers were ready to be wielded by the Elf. When the transformation was done, Mahtan rubbed his face and groaned, his pale hands reaching up to his head where it had struck the marble floor. He was amazed to find it gone, then remembered what had happened. The deal with the Devil was still clear on his mind, and he realized that it was part of his crowning that he must die beforehand in order to accept the powers. Susanna was still near the door, her eyes never coming off him as he hopped down from the table. As soon as his feet touched the floor, it cracked beneath him and created a small crater. Moments later the table exploded into splinters, and books began throwing themselves from the nearby shelves. Mahtan simply watched with an amused expression across his face as his unstable powers did their work. Once everything died down, the room looked as if a tornado had spun through. Abbaddon had once more disappeared into the walls, and was remaining quiet, though Mahtan knew she would be watching. Abbaddon seemed to be quite fond of the power within Mahtan, he would be able to use it to his advantage to keep Susanna safe. Sadness filled the Elf's eyes as he slowly moved towards Susanna, the scent of pine needles and ocean air filling the room once more. Once he was within arm's reach, he moved ever closed to the Human until there was only a small gap between them. His pale hand reached up from where it was hanging loosely at his side and brushed the side of her face as gently as he could manage, and his mouth parted in a soft "Thank yo-", however he only made it halfway through as the stroke from his hand sent Susanna flying against the door. Mahtan watched in horror at what his action had caused as Susanna's face scrunched up in immense pain where her head had slammed against the hard wood. Mahtan began moving away from Susanna's pained self, his hands balled up into fists of anger. His eyes were filled with fear, and his mouth was hanging open ever so slightly. "Susanna, I. I didn't..DAMN IT ALL!" Unable to take what he had done, Mahtan spun around on his heel and ducked his head as he threw himself into a full on sprint towards the large window in front of him. He was nearly 3 stories off the ground, but something inside him reassured him that the fall would not hurt..all that much. Before Susanna could figure out what had happened, Mahtan's hands were placed out in front of him, and his body was through the glass, making sure his palms took most of the pain. From there he was free falling, everything was happening in slow motion. Glass was falling all around him, the cuts on his hands were closing up, and the ground was rushing to meet him. With his feet tucked closely to his chest, Mahtan hit the ground and immediately brought himself into a tight ball and rolled a few times before stopping as a way to absorb all of the shock brought upon his legs. As promised, the pain was minimal, and he had reached the ground without many problems. The only issue now was where to go. Obviously going North would bring him closer to the Reach, where he would be killed on sight, going East would bring him to the water, and the angry mob that wanted Susanna. West would be towards the middle of nowhere, so Mahtan decided South. As he looked up, he saw Susanna staring down at him from the window, and a knot formed in his throat. He pressed to fingers to his lips and then raised them towards her, signifying 'Good bye, and stay safe' in his native tongue. With that, the Elf sprinted off towards the Southern road, following the direction his heart brought him from there; It was time the world felt the wrath Lucifer had built up over these many years. The Prince of Hell was now loose upon the Humans, and had every intention of burning the planet to it's core.