I, Hanna Jacklin, am through with this school so far. I hadn't been here five minutes and I was bombarded with questions and expecting expressions from, what looked like, nerdy people. I am a lamb entering a school of wolves. Atleast it seems so! I closed my eyes as a small throbbing develops in my head. As I walked toward the administrations office to get my schedule, I was yet again bombarded. This time, it was a bunch of guys who had varsity jackets on. I rejected them politely, grabbed my schedule, and bolted for first hour. All day, I was bombarded with questions! The strangest thing about the question is all about if I am this or that. Am I a straight A student? Am I an athlete? Do I like the color black and listen to screamo in my room with the lights off? I can't even answer them because all I think about is how rediculious they are! I tried to find a spot at lunch, but it looked like everyone was split into... cliques? It seemed a bit cliche, but it's the way the social system ran in this school. I saw a few eyes set toward my clothing and I looked down. My clothing seemed to not meet the standard of anyone's clique. While I wore a turquoise top with a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans with combat boots; everyone else was in polos, varsity jackets, hand-me-downs, blouses, or black... everything. I caught a few judging eyes and I felt as if I was in a prostitute in a church. What's wrong with my style? Anyway, as soon as I walked into the cafeteria; I felt eyes sneaking glances at me. I felt as if I was expected to choose who to sit with. I quickly smiled, turned, and walked out of the cafeteria. I ran, literally ran, toward a strange staircase. I don't even know how I got there, I just remember running. I looked behind me to see if anyone else noticed it, but no one was in the hallway. I made the "smart" decision to continue on my little journey. I made my way up the stairs. Maybe I could be alone and not have to deal with people! That made me even more determined to get out of the stingy hallway and up toward an uninhabited area. I grinned as I made my way to the end of the stairs and to a door. I hoped, no prayed, that no one badgered me about joining their [s]cult[/s], I mean clique. I opened the door, a sense of relief washing over me as I went through the door. I had closed my eyes before I went through and shut the door with a refreshing slam. I sighed in relief and slid down against the door. "Thank god" I whispered to myself. I wanted to hide from the world at that moment. All the questions swirled in my head and I continuously asked myself if this was going to be my entire highschool career. I opened my eyes to see a group of people on the roof. I slowly stood up and cleared my throat. "If you're looking for me to join your clique or something, then this is all a dream and you guys passed out in your last period."