[hider= Appearance ][img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cd/04/2a/cd042ab6a02d09a684cf29157278d260.jpg[/img][/hider]

[b]Name:[/b] Laila Greenwood


[b]Race:[/b] Human

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Describe yourself in 3 words:[/b] I asked my Mum, she laughed at me and said I was ‘stubborn, straightforward, and too confident for my own good’, don’t worry though, I’m sure she was exaggerating. 

[b]What skills do you have that you can offer to this job:[/b] I’ve worked in retail ever since I was sixteen - I worked in a craft shop for two years, but I had to leave when it closed down. After that I worked at a tailors, but I left after a slight… disagreement when the shop came under new management. I can deal with customers, stock, the till, you name it. 

[s] Also there’s this other thing - my mum, she does tarot and stuff like that, all that magic stuff, said I have ‘retrocognitive potential’ or some other shazam that I don’t really get? I dunno to be honest, all’s I know is that sometimes I get weird dreams, occasionally feelings, like something big’s gone down right where I’m standing and- this isn’t really relevant is it? Nevermind [/s]

[b]What experiences do you have working with magical artifacts:[/b] I know how to safely handle them, if that’s what you mean. My older brother used to bring back all sorts of things - he was an ‘explorer’, or so he said. When I was little, he always used to sit me down and explain things very carefully to make sure I didn’t hurt myself (that’s kind of important when you’ve got an ancient magical death-scythe and a five-year-old sharing a two-bedroom house). I’d like to learn more about them though, I’ve always been interested in history.

[b]What experiences do you have with concocting potions, salves and balms, and mixing herbs:[/b] Very little I’m afraid, I’m willing to learn and I have a passing familiarity with most stuff (enough to recognise a healing potion when I see one), but not really much more than that. I’m good with plants though - I’m studying botany at the university, although that’s more to do with how they work and making them grow as opposed to making potions and stuff.

[b]Would you like to work full-time or part-time?[/b]: Part time please, I’m studying at the university in the city.

[b]Do you require extensive training? [/b] Nope!

[b]Are you comfortable with being left alone in the shop for extended periods of time?:[/b] Yep!