"[sub]Hello[/sub]," Neil said under his voice when Sayeeda marched in, escorted by a few incompetent looking guards that were sweating bullets. Gorlan didn't say anything about it being a [i]lady[/i] captain. He had to keep himself from openly admiring her. Not that he'd try anything, but that made things interesting. It was then he wondered why she seemed to look at him with a curiosity, and it was at that moment he realized Gorlan had played them both for fools. He'd never intended for Neil's meager sum of money to buy the [i]Highlander[/i]. As the two conversed, Neil listened and stayed silent, until he decided to sway back and forth and whistle to showcase that he was in fact, still there. Once the darkly attractive woman spoke to him, he turned his head to her, as if he'd just been patted on the shoulder. "Well girly, I'm game if you are. But if we're going to do this, keep in mind you might need to grab a turret every now and then. Even I can't slip and slide through every defense-" He spun to Gorlan. "What kind of guns does this ship have anyway?" "You don't want to hear about what I'm having you retrieve first?" "Guns please." Gorlan sighed, crossing his meaty arms over his broad paunch of a chest. He tapped the holo device located on his wrist, and the schematics of the military class freighter suddenly popped up before all of them. "A Foehammer Cannon is its main gun. Besides that are two dozen Nidhogg torpedoes, and two las-turrets that could be manned." Neil whistled again, but this time it was in admiration. "That Foehammer I did not expect. They really did make that military grade..." "And if you survive the mission I'm about to give you, you'll have all of it. As well as a gun of your choice from my personal armory before you go. Now..." Gorlan said, letting Neil shut up before he continued. Two systems away there is a world called Savran. Most people don't even know it's there, because it's a shit pile jungle world ruled over by some two-bit dictator fighting a war against rebels. It's covered in mists and rainforests, and there's really nothing there but death. However, my idiot of a son has decided to go there-" Neil raised his brows as Garlon continued. "-and he is convinced the world has Xenos artifacts and ruins from years ago. I haven't heard from him in a year. I want you to bring him back to me, alive if you can." "Aw, that's sweet." Neil said. "Bastard stole part of my fortune. He's going to make it up to me, and now that I know where he went, you're going to get him for me." "...[sub]Less sweet.[/sub]" [@Penny]