[center][h1][color=red][u]Aela Theraphos[/u][/color][/h1][/center]

[color=red]"I'd like to see you try corpse,"[/color] Aela hissed at Haru. Forget what Shau would say Aela was going to ringed the dead bodies neck and drain what little blood was left from the insufferable pest. Why couldn't she have been the only home-stay instead being shacked up with another?

Shau's outburst however stunned Aela from going further with her threat. While they had only been introduced several hours prier, Aela had come to the conclusion that Shau was a docile and happy go lucky person with little ounce of bite to her. So her sudden turn to shouting and threatening punishment left her recalculating her judgement. It also brought her back to reality in which she remembered they were at another's home instead of Shau's.

Aela shut her eyes letting out a deep breath putting her claws to her side, calming her natural aggression.

[color=red]"Still think she needs to be strung up"[/color] she mumbled under her breath to herself.

[color=red]"So Sara how have you enjoyed your own guests?[/color], Aela asked trying her best to switch to a pleasant conversation over what had just happened.

[center][@ineffable],[@liferusher],[@Fabricant451],[@KawaiiKyouko],[@Archmage MC][/center]