[quote=TAGM3] On a 3DS?! I don't even. Anytime I post in the OOC I'm on my phone, but 3DS... I couldn't imagine doing that.Just out of curiosity what's all of your guys' favorite main series Pokemon games. Mine is personally Crystal but X and Y blew me away just by how good it looked and played and how well they used France folklore. Colosseum's and XD are up there too but I don't consider them part of the main series. [/quote] I don't have a fancy smartphone, sadly. Too expensive. :( I played Pokemon since Yellow, and I do not have any nostalgia for Kanto. :/ I have nostalgia for Pikachu though. xD My favorite main series game is HG/SS oddly enough. xD Lots to do there! I also like BW2 and Emerald. Hopefully Z/XY2/whatever the next game is, is good.