John was with a small group. The group used to be bigger, but they had to split as the seekers found them, and hunted them. Half the group was probably occupied by souls now, but this half was trying to survive as best they could. The group had seeked refuge in an old abandoned railway yard last, but they needed to move on. John had taken a few members of the group with him, to scout ahead, and go in search of supplies, they couldn't easily walk into a store and buy food any more. Seekers were looking for them. They were pushed back to a time before, a time almost forgotten. When humans had to hunt and gather. Food had to be caught and brought back, or you didn't eat. It was a tough time, but needs must meant they had to. John was driving the first car, with another behind him. Any more and they'd bring more attention to themselves, which was to be avoided if possible. John stopped the car, reaching the desert. He saw a fire and people sat by it. More humans, must have been. Seekers don't stop to appreciate the warm fire. They stay indoors when it gets later. Doing as they're told. Experiencing the sides of human life they only know about. John stepped out the car, he had a gun on his belt, but never liked using it. It was for safety, and for himself if he was caught. He wasn't being taken by them. John honked the horn of his car, getting their attention, before waving the pair over.