[color=#b24f15][h2][u] Daveon Axebane[/u][/h2][/color][/center]
[color=#b24f15][b]Age:[/b][/color] 28
[color=#b24f15][b]Alias(es):[/b][/color] Ankle Hewer, Daveon the Small, Little Wolverine.
[color=#b24f15][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male
[color=#b24f15][b]Race:[/b][/color] Halfling
[color=#b24f15][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Daveon is, for lack of a better term, a dick. He has no respect for the larger races of the world. And why should he? They’ve done nothing for him or his people outside of treat them as lesser because of their stature. He is a tenacious fighter and stubborn to the core, refusing to back down from a fight or an argument, even to his own detriment. His love of coin is also one of his defining features, never able to turn down a full purse or the promise of wealth as a reward for his unique skill set of being able to bring foes down to his level. Daveon is arrogant, angry and a bit racist, never shirking a chance to insult an elf by calling them ‘Knife Ear’. He has a particular distrust for human barkeeps, not sure if they’re taking advantage of him for his size and charging him more for ale and then giving him a smaller portion than he gives the humans and elves, or if they are really just offering him the good stuff. Not that he can can tell, all alcohol goes down the same for him.

Daveon has only two loves in the whole world, coin and slaying monsters. He doesn’t even love his own mum that much, though she’s a saint. Daveon fights and kills not for glory, though he gives off that appearance, but rather he fights for the people of his home town, donating much of the money he makes to the needy and takes care of his kind. He believes that the halflings have been put down by the full sized people of the world, less so from the dwarves, as they have been kind and fair to Daveon whenever he’s been to their settlements. Much of what Daveon does is a show, being a dick to the larger people who have put his kind down for years and being callous. He only shows his true passion in the midst of combat, sword and axe flailing in his fury to cut down any foe brave enough to fight him.

[color=#b24f15][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Daveon started out as many of the other pitfighters like him did, as a street rat. He stole and fought to survive, believing that he could punch his way out of any situation, and it was mostly true. Dav found himself on the receiving end of many a brutal beat down while he was growing up, gaining a sort of resilience to physical injury and a callous personality that allowed him to brush off insults and rude comments like they were water off a duck’s back. Daveon spent a lot of time with his mother when he wasn’t on the streets learning to brawl, learning about what it meant to stand for something, and that something was the little people of his slums, his home… The halfling people were a race left disregarded by the taller, more importantly, a race of people who were given the scraps, treated worse than the slaves. Daveon felt that his people had always been regarded as inferior and unfit for anything, even slave labor. This belief manifested itself in unchecked rage and aggression, which got him into a lot of trouble. 

Daveon spent his late teen years being trained on how to focus that rage when he decided he was going to use his natural talent for bludgeoning people to make money, focusing all of his hatred and anger into the Pits, an arena in his hometown that was designed to pit those who were truly brave, or stupid, enough to battle some of the most dangerous monsters capable of being captured and restrained long enough to be killed in the arenas. He learned how to let that rage become his weapon, a force within him to drive himself forward and accomplish feats that many of the other pitfighters would have struggled to survive, with the exception of one. A human fighter name Riance Stranger was able to meet and match Daveon every step of the way, creating a bitter rivalry between the two fighters. With Daveon being like a wild beast set off the chain, and Riance being a more calculated and measured fighter, the two enjoyed a very successful run in the pits fighting against and alongside of each other. Daveon often found himself wondering if he would surpass the man or remain his equal until the end of time, but he always remembered that his feats were great, even by the standards of a human, let alone a halfling. 

Daveon often took his winnings and spent them on food and feeding the homeless halflings of his village, helping build shelters and homes for them. He was an active member of the community, even though he always felt the call to battle. He held a battle lust in his heart that could not be quenched no matter how much he wanted to give back to the people that raised him, his true family… the halflings of the lower slums of Headrion. It was during his time within the pits that he was discovered by the Order, and was watched quite diligently. Dav showed promise as a warrior and as a good face among the common-folk, a folk hero amongst the halflings and a legend of the arena. The spitfire that was Daveon Axebane, the Little Wolverine, a vicious predator that would strike with fury and with a frenzy unlike any sane being. Two members of the Order of Journeymen would approach Daveon after a particular bout of his against a group of about twenty five boggards. He was covered head to toe with blood, some his own and some boggard, he wasn’t sure, the events of that day were hazy. The members of the order asked him if he’d be interested in using his talents to save the realm from worse creatures, an offer to which Daveon responded with a laugh and rude gesture, until they tossed a bloated sack of coins at his feet, promising more if he were to join. The rest is history as they say, the angry halfling now fighting and killing his way to riches and making a better life for the slum that he calls home.
[color=#b24f15][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Daveon barely wears any armor outside of the steel pauldrons on his shoulders, preferring the freedom of movement that loose fitting clothing gives him while he’s fighting. Daveon carries a straight sword and an axe on his back as well as several daggers on his belt. The most protection he wears, outside of the pauldrons are a pair of loose fitting leather pants.

[color=#b24f15][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Primal Rage - After years of rage buried deep inside of him, Daveon is able to channel that rage into his combat ability, allowing him to shrug off blows that would look fatal to any normal man. When the primal fury takes him over, he loses much of his ability to conjure intelligent thought and speech, but his blows become much more devastating. Daveon also has his senses honed in this state of rage, able to react to incoming attacks many times faster than most fighters of his size or larger, allowing him to dodge out of the way of incoming projectiles and avoid being seriously injured by magics, while also being immune to any magic that might strike fear into him or charm him otherwise. Daveon can only enter this state four times over the course of a day and only for ten minutes at a time.