That's not what I meant. Lol. You're welcome to sign up! (If the host thinks there's still space.) Definitely. Welcome! :). I was kinda just shocked at how unbelievably OP your character seemed, that's all.

[hider= The Mad Jester]
[color=8A2BE2][center]"I kill you, you kill can't kill me, YOU'RE DEAD!"[/center][/color]


[color=8A2BE2]Race / Age[/color]

Still Human? / 27


Their personality is all over the place. Depending on the time and day they can either be likable and thoughtful or despicable and ruthless, also changing according to what is needed at the moment. Their likes change, their fears change, their posture and the way they carry themselves changes. They are one of the best natural deceivers in the entire world. No magic, no nothing, just pure lies...or truths. Whatever comes out of their mouth sounds as truthful as a 5 year old holding out his hand and claiming his age. You don't doubt them, well if you didn't know them that is. The secret? They believe that everything is a lie and if everything is a lie it is also a truth. They wholeheartedly believe that what they are saying is the truth. You can't fake that sincerity. 


The child of the head of an influential church in a city, they grew up as worse as they get. If it wasn't for the constant beatings, the experiments were the cherry on top. Their father was certain that he had found the promised elixir, one that allowed one to commune with God. What did he do you might ask? Test it first on their child of course. Weeks and weeks went by, countless syringes injected, the screams being too loud for the child to stay in the house anymore so they transported them to a desolated cabin in the woods. Then the voices came and among those voices one prevailed, telling the child what to do, how to do it. And so the child killed their father.

That's where the child crossed path with the company Virtuous. The head of the church was planning a big revolution, overthrowing the ruling classes of the city and placing himself on top. That was only the first step on his grand plan to remove every noble in every city throughout the entire kingdom. The Virtuous company had sent assassins to deal with the problem before it reached the top of the high slide but all they found was the dead body of the leader and his kid standing there with a knife in hand.

That's where they were recruited and their long journey to falling in deeper madness and depravation began. 

[color=8A2BE2]Physical Talents[/color]
Supernaturally high endurance to injury and pain.

[hider=Magical Talents]
[color=4B0082]Low Tier[/color]
[i][color=8A2BE2]Wild Cards:[/color][/i] A deck of cards where each card contains another deck of cards where the last deck contains different items. Holding a card, they can shuffle through the other items inside that card, bringing the one they need to the surface and expelling it in order to use it. It can either appear or be cast out with immense force. They can use one of their cards to absorb an item or multiple depending on the item's size. For example, one sword or multiple arrows. It only works on objects.
[i][color=8A2BE2]Mimic:[/color][/i] They can perfectly mimic and transform to any living creature that is roughly their size. The visual transformation is the easiest part as you only need to see them once and memorize their appearance to get that part down. Same with the voice. To mimic their behavior, personality, is something else entirely. You need to have a deep understanding of their psychology, behavior patterns and many other factors.
[i][color=8A2BE2]Vanish:[/color][/i] They can disappear into thin air, becoming invisible.
[i][color=8A2BE2]Air Walking:[/color][/i] They can use air as a walking ground to walk, run, jump, skip, or even lay down on. Doing swimming motions is slower than walking.
[color=4B0082]Mid Tier[/color]
[color=8A2BE2]Clone:[/color] Seska splits themselves in 2 after a cloud of smoke to confuse enemies. The clone has the same powers that Seska has, the same speed, strength, agility, skills, but it has a very low endurance. A stab anywhere or a few shallow cuts will cause the clone to vanish.
[color=8A2BE2]Live Cards:[/color] Same effect as Wild Cards but this type of card can absorb living creatures..not limited to and including humans. To absorb a conscious and living creature is hard as they might manage to get out with enough struggle, rendering the card useless but with an unconscious body it is but a child's play. Even then there is the chance of the person realizing something is wrong, regaining conscience and getting out but the chances are slim to say the least. The more damaged the card is the weaker it becomes and if it is destroyed the thing inside it comes into the open.

A magical deck of cards where each card has another deck of cards which contain various items collected throughout their journey during missions.
A mask that shows exaggerated expressions of the wearer's current mood. So exaggerated that it turns comical. No one but the wearer can remove the mask. If someone else tries to remove it, another mask will appear below, while the mask that they removed disappears.

They are androgynous in appearance and behavior. The fact that they can mimic the appearance and voice of both genders makes it even harder to tell. The clothes that they wear don't help either. The baggy clown pants, the cut of the cloth, the many accessories, they all make it hard to see the shape of the body beneath. Their hands are slender in appearance.

[color=8A2BE2]Fears [/color]
Depending on their current personality and mood their fears vary greatly. From fear of spiders and closed spaces to Santa Claus and Christmas. But these fears aren't exactly "real" as in they don't really belong to their true person but instead to their layers of masks which are as much a part of them as everything but not completely them. So the effect that they have is greatly reduced.

One constant fear that every persona shares is the fear of syringes and the haunting ghost of their parent whom they killed coming back to them and blaming them, judging them, torturing them again.

But the greatest fear of all is the fear of being forgotten. Abandoned by everyone, even their family, their mother when they needed someone the most. Not one person thought to ask around where they went for weeks on end. Not one person cared.
