((Collab Post between Letter Bee and Lunarlord34; developments here have the latter's permission)) Myst Neumann had prepared his best tea and cakes for Gyzo's arrival; he didn't bother with an ostentatious banquet when too much food and drink would just distract from the main objective; taking out the Celestia Family and removing them as an obstacle to taking over Lugnica and the world. Nevertheless, the tea and cakes were expensive on their own, being made of rare ingredients, and set in prized porcelain with mithril edges. And so, the old man waited, waited for the Celestia branch family's head to come in, so that they can discuss grudges and self-advancement together... Gyzo Celestia, second born son of the Celestia family, head of the '1st' branch, one of the premier Earth mages in the Kingdom of Lugnica had arrived in the remote reaches on the Kingdom. Irlam Village, a small little frontier village surrounded by thick forestry and in the background sat ominiously overwatching the entire landscape was Gyzo's designation; the formerly Rosawaal Mansion. He had arrived to talk with a man known as 'Myst', the new owner of the mansion and thus just the person he would need to talk to to renew any contracts that the family had in relations to Magic Crystals. The carriage soon came to a stop in front of the entranceway to the mansion, where Gyzo was greeted by a few maids and a butler upon arrival. After shooing them away from the usual welcoming peasntries he simply demanded that he be taken to the new master of the mansion, Myst. He also told his travelling companion to stay in the carriage as the business wouldn't take long. Upon arriving in the room Myst was waiting in, Gyzo removed his hood and revealing his surprisngly youthul appearance, despite being forty he looked half that, to Myst along with the striking blue hair that struck fear in many a person due to the reputation that preceeded the youngest of the Celestia Trio. He took a seat, looking directly at Myst. [b]"Myst Neumann, correct? I'm Gyzo Celestia. I'm here in regards to your message."[/b] Myst would nod, and after a few pleasantries, said, "Welcome, Mr. Celestia. Our business is about the continued supply of Magic Crystals to your holdings, correct? If so, this can be easily settled; I am ready to continue all agreements established with the previous, disappeared, owner. In fact, I may even suggest a few mutually favorable amendments..." He trailed off. So the man's business was indeed about the supply of Magic Crystals, Gyzo had suspected as much. I mean, what else could this man possibly offer the Celestia's? Gyzo furrowed his brows however at what the man had to say. He was willing to go along with just the previous arangements? While that suited Gyzo, he hadn't expected the negotiations to be this easy. It was a little too easy. [b]"What do you mean by 'favourable amendments'?"[/b] Gyzo asked, his tone cautious. He hadn't mentioned them yet, which made Gyzo all the more wary, but it seemed like this meeting might just be more than just about the Magical Crystals. Myst pursed his lips, "Simple; there will be a price hike in the cost of crystals soon, with labor and shipping costs during this time of uncertainty being the given reason. However, certain establishments will be warned of this beforehand, so that they can negotiate arrangements that will offset the additional costs. And by that, I wish to buy certain goods from you at a discount price, and in exchange, you can do the same for mine." Deciding not to be cryptic for the next few moments, Myst finished by saying. "And by that, I need weapons; I know where to get men and women who can use them." Gyzo wasn't too sure what to say about this. He had expected the man to want more money, doesn't everyone, but he was willing to offset profit for a discount on weaponry? While Gyzo himself didn't get too involved in such affairs, he knew just the person within the family who did. And if he told them that they needed to sell them at a lesser price to get cheaper Crystals? Well, they would probably agree. Those Crystals were invaulable to the family. However his intentions were Gyzo's concern. He had made it plain and clear with what he said, honestly he didn't need to be so blunt. All that did was force Gyzo's hand in the hand, which Gyzo didn't mind. [b]"I see. And what exactly do you plan on doing with these armed people? We Celestia's don't usually provide for those looking to start trouble, if you know what I mean."[/b] Gyzo leaned forward and tenderly picked up a cupcake, tracing small circles on the top before continuing. [b]"Just what are you plotting and scheming Mr Neumann?"[/b] Myst saw that he had pricked Gyzo's suspicions, but in a way that excited his interest, not the opposite. But surrendering to the urge to veil his words again, the old man said, "Why, nothing but my own safety and security, of course. Safety and security that is endangered by [i]chaos[/i]," the contempt in that word was genuine, "chaos that certain other members of the establishment are willing to take advantage of. Those other members, those other scions of the nobility, are a danger to me, and one cannot blame an old man for wanting to secure himself. Nor can they blame him for asking for others' help in bringing down mutual annoyances and obstacles to safety, security, and advancement." Basically, Myst wanted to bring down the Main Branch of the Celestia Family. Gyzo hated his brother, who headed the Main Branch of the Celestia's. The hint was there. Gyzo took a small bite from his cupcake as Myst spoke, savouring the sweetness of the cake as he cracked a small smile. [b]"So what you're saying is, you need my help taking down these few 'individuals' who are a danger to you and also a mutual annoyance to me? Oh I wonder who you could possibly be talking about."[/b] The blue haired man drawled, looking directly at Myst before taking another bite. [b]"I don't believe we need to weave any webs here Mr Neumann, we both want my brother to fall. We can't do it alone, but together..."[/b] Gyzo trailed off, bringing both his palms upwards and allowing the small cake to fall to the ground, half eaten. [b]"Well....only one way to find out, correct?"[/b] A nod from Myst. "Indeed, only one way to find out," he held out his hand. "To the fall of Tobias Celestia." Gyzo looked at the hand for a moment, contemplating. Shrugging his shoulders, he reached out and gripped it tightly as they shook. [b]"To the start of a fruitful partnership."[/b] Myst smiled at that...