[hider=Malakaus Ralthavar Vorinclex]


Malakaus Ralthavar Vorinclex




Despite a rough face Malakaus can be affable and friendly to strangers, even to some of his former enemies. He seems like the type of guy who's aware of how he looks and thus tries not to cause many other people trouble. And while this isn't an act per say, he does intentionally cultivate a more "reasonable" image as an orc in order to get pass people's guard. He's a schemer and ambitions, just like any other orc, and thus he always looks for a way to gather more power and influence for himself. Even if it means getting chummy with ancestral enemies. Malakaus is also an unrepentant murderer and sees the act of killing like a game; just something he can do if he feels bored, and leaves the moral ramification of his acts for others who care for such things. He thinks of people as NPC's, with only a special few who have a "spark" of character in them, making them worthy of living. Or worth killing.

Malakaus was born in a small family known as the Vorinclex clan. A clan that lived outside of the cities, in the nearby woods. They once had great prominence as a leader among the orcish clans, however corruption and in-fighting destroyed their once great community. Nowadays the orc clans live away from each other, often inbred, hunting, farming, and making drugs. Malakaus was one of the few orcish children not born from incest, as his father is an orc who grew up in the city. And outsider who "stole" his mother away from the weirdness of boonie orc culture, and thus Malakaus was raised with a city-born education.

Not that living in the city was any easier for the child. Violence was common everywhere, and try as he might Malakaus got into plenty of fights growing up. Being an orc many didn't fear him so much as insulted him for his perceived lack of intelligence and inherent brutality, which he obliged when he beaten them into a pulp. But as he grew older, Malakaus learned how to fight with more than just fists or weapons. But with his mind. his enemies, knowing that they couldn't face him in a straight fight, tried to use subterfuge and intrigue to undo him. But Malakaus was quick to adapt to the game and fought back the same, showing off an unusual ability for an Orc; To resolve matters without violence.

As far as intelligence went Malakaus wasn't really the smartest growing up, but he was certainly smarter than most orcs. His brutal cunning fed his cunning brutality, often stripping whatever advantage his enemies had against him and forcing them to either concede or meet him in the fields of battle. Even after leaving the highschool drama behind, Malakaus's hunger for battle never ended. He joined different gangs to take control of the city, and often his gang would lose. But Malakaus would survive, and through his defeats he started to learn how the city of Belwyn operated.

Eventually Malakaus would find his chance to rise to the top when there was a large civil war going on with the orcs. Some sort of a blood feud that got out of hand and caused the various tribes and clans to fight. Malakaus went to these orcs and put a stop to it however. He got to the bottom of the blood feud and learned of the deception made by dwarven gang members, as well as executing various orcs who had been instigating chaos among his people. Malakaus united the orcs underneath his leadership and made a promise: For his people to rise above their station and achieve greatness at any cost. Pooling together the talent and abilities of his orcish kin, as well as mending relationships between the different warring families, the orcs reached a state they have never had before: Unity.

Gang affiliation or Other affiliations:
Leader of the Choppers

Composite Armor - Piecemeal Armor made of reinforced alloy metals. Despite it's crude appearance and coloration the armor is actually quite durable, capable of deflecting even high caliber rifle rounds.

Spiked Armguard - The modern buckler, Malakaus's armguard is made of the same material as his armor and allows him to not only protect himself in close combat, but also impale any foe foolish enough to even engage him up close.

Dagger - A traditional orcish dagger made of a large monster's tooth or claw. Malakaus's dagger is made from a wyvern stringer and still drips it's deadly venom even after being forged into a blade. Those cut by the blade lose constitution slowly, making them weaker by the minute. Naturally, Malakaus has built an immunity towards this specific type of poison.

Hunger - Malakaus's main weapon, a large chainsaw fashioned from a stolen magitech engine with teeth made of stolen dwarven star metal, also known as adamantine. When activated the magitech engine siphons radiant magical energies around the chainsaw to power it, sapping mana from Malakaus's enemies. The magical consumption is much more noticeable when his chainsaw actually strikes magical objects or things affected by magic, as the spell would be sundered and his blade would continue ripping and tearing into the object despite whatever magical wards were placed onto it.

Darkvision - Malakaus has an innate darkvision like many orcs. He is capable of seeing in darkness without any issue though he can't discern colors, only a monochrome hue.

Anti-Magic Aura - Malakaus is incapable of using magic himself (Magically powered objects are fine), but in exchange he has an unnatural immunity to many forms of magic. Mind control and illusions directed against him are ineffective, and even magical attacks aren't quite as capable as they usually should be. While he can still be killed by magic (Like by being burned to death or having a sword magically plunge through his chest), those who rely on magic to debilitate him will be in for a rough time. This effect is passive, but Malakaus has the ability to activate his Aura specifically to create a larger, more powerful Anti-Magic Field that cuts off any magical effects occurring within the area, either at that moment or about to happen. This field lasts for about one minute or until Malakaus leaves the field. 

Malakaus loves spicy food and has a thing for elves.


[hider=Atisha Merdelain]

Atisha Merdelain



Wood Elf

For Atisha diplomacy means saying "good dog" until you can find a big enough rock. It's offering one hand in agreement and arming the other. To Atisha, peace means control. And when left out of control, Atisha will not hesitate to bring it back by any means necessary. A woman of her word but with a twisted ideal of what she means, she's as honest as the devil. She tends to be rather playful with others but has a burning hatred against humans and would like nothing more than to see them all slaughtered for the prosperity of elves everywhere. Atisha does genuinely seek peace however, and aside from humans she sees no reason why the other races can't cooperate as long as they can maintain some sort of communication with each other. Even if their ideals are different or even conflicting, Atisha has high hopes that they could band together and destroy humanity.

Atisha was just a young girl when she saw her family torn apart by a pack of roving humans, taking advantage of her family's hospitality as they indulged themselves on her mother, father, brothers and sisters. Atisha only managed to escape by sheer luck, after she was shoot and knocked out of the window and left for dead. When she finally awoke from her coma the gang who had killed her family was no where to be found. It was at that moment her hatred for humanity was born. From that day Atisha dedicated her life to avenge her family. She sought teachers, warriors, anyone who could give her the skills and knowledge she needs to enact justice. Along the way Atisha saw much more depravity done by humanity, and how her people were hurt from their actions. How many would stand to the side and let it occur out of fear, or out of apathy. Atisha could not stand for it.

She was only 27 years old when she finally found the ones who had ravaged her family. She showed them no mercy as she tore them asunder with magic and cleaved them through with her blades. She even sought their family and intended to kill them too. But after she had slaughtered the initial group, she felt empty. She had known this moment would come. When she finally gets her vengeance and there was nothing left for her after. But Atisha didn't let it get to her for long. For she had greater aspirations than just vengeance. Now she wanted complete eradication for all of humanity.

So Atisha went into politics. She joined a group of elves lobbying for better rights and representation in government. Unlike other elves, Atisha wasn't willing to compromise with humans, which actually worked well in their favor; because they didn't easily cower to the humans, they had to change to suit the elves desires, rather than the other way around. Atisha's no-nonsense approach in politics and hyper aggressive reforms also ensured that the elves quickly gained the power they need to keep their new laws in place. When gang violence started to take over the city Atisha was quick to take advantage of it, using the chaos to remove political enemies as well as PR, vowing to put an end to the violence and unit the races together. But in truth she uses the gangs to just further her own agenda, and doesn't really care for anyone who isn't an elf. And even then, elves who stand against her are as good as dead.

Gang affiliation or Other affiliations:
Chairman of the UCEI (United Conglomerate of Eldritch Interests), Shaman of the Feythful, Commander of the Tempest Legion, 8th Witch of the Wilds

Ward Stone - A magically infused gemstone that allows Atisha to protect a powerful protective barrier should she need to defend herself. These barriers are strong enough to withstand small arms fire however they only last for ten minutes, though that time can be spent in one minute intervals. They can also ward off magical attacks as well, even deflecting weaker spells back to their source. Atisha carries two of these gems on her at all times.

Gem of Flight - Another magical gemstone that allows Atisha to fly for thirty minutes, which she can spend in one-minute intervals. She is capable of perfect flight through this gem even against violent winds or other obstacles.

Stealth Rock - A glowing stone that Atisha can use to cause herself to go invisible as well as silence any noise she makes, either directly via speaking or when interacting with objects such as opening a door, dropping items, her footsteps, or even shooting a gun. Last for ten minutes.

Weapon Jewel - Atisha's last magical stone, this gem contains a weapon that Atisha can use at a moment's notice. Inside this weapon is a [url=https://i.imgur.com/SSvqWO7.png]Hexduo[/url] rifle, a combination of a large game hunting rifle and a revolver shotgun. Atisha is quite a shot with this weapon and it's her preferred gun when out "Hunting". Prefers to go without a scope since she doesn't need one. The gun comes loaded with ammo, but reloading requires Atisha to have the ammo with her.

Kukri - A knife of elven design. Sleek, exotic, but made for the brutal tasks of hacking and chopping up limbs and enemies. While Atisha carries hers ceremoniously, it's still a deadly weapon in her hands. 

Beast Magic - Spells that are based around transforming, controlling, altering, or summoning beasts, animals, and monsters.
[hider=Beast magic]
Night Eyes - This spell allows Atisha to see perfectly in the dark, though bright lights are also intensified.

Eyes of the Eagle - This spell allows Atisha to concentrate her vision onto a specific point up to one mile away.

Animalistic Power - Atisha's body channels the strength of a bull, the grace of a cat, and the endurance of a bear for ten minutes.

Command Animal - Atisha can mentally control up to ten animals at a time, commanding them with simple actions that don't require too much intelligence to pull off, such as attacking, waiting, ambushing, or fleeing.

Moment of Enlightenment - This spell allows an animal to be capable of speech, at least enough to understand Atisha. While under the effect of this spell the creature can also answer questions to the best of it's knowledge in a way that Atisha can understand.

Magic Fang - This spell increases the damage done by an animals natural weapons, infusing them with magical energies so that they cold more easily sunder through enemies and objects. This spell can also augment a humanoid's unarmed strikes.

Summon Steed - Atisha can conjure a creature to serve as her mount. This magical creature follows her commands even if it may result in it's own death. Her current mount is a huge twenty-foot long serpent who is capable of both swimming and wall crawling. 

Nature Magic - Spells that are based around manipulating, creating, or conjuring nature such as the weather and natural elements like wind and fire.
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Cone of Cold - Atisha blasts a cone of ice up to fifteen feet long. Enemies caught in the blast are prone to freezing solid, and even those who do not freeze may become stagger from the blast.

Scorching Ray - Atisha fires three gout of fire from her finger tips. She can direct each ray to hit a different target or a single target, which ever.

Shocking Images - Atisha creates illusion copies of herself. They look and sound exactly like Atisha does, but when on command or when physically interacted with, they explode into electrical energy.

Touch of the Sea - This spell allows Atisha to breath, speak, and swim underwater perfectly. Atisha can also affect up to five other people with this spell.

Stone Shape - This spell allows Atisha to manipulate the shape of rocks, stone, and glass in whatever shape or form she desires.

Whirlwind Cloak - This spell creates a small storm of swirling wind around Atisha, blowing away any form of gas or mist from her body as well as throwing away any light object, such as known weapons. Bullets, arrows, and other small but fast moving objects may also be thrown off course.

Dark Cloud - Atisha creates a large, thirty-foot diameter cloud of darkness that blinds anyone who isn't capable of seeing in the dark already.


Utility Spells - Spells aren't made for direct combat, though they still have their uses.
[hider=Utility Spells]
Mage Hands - Atisha creates an pair of incorporeal hands visible only to her. She can use them telepathically to manipulate objects up to ten pounds, allowing her to do things like pick up objects, open doors, wash dishes, and reload her guns without doing it herself. However they aren't strong enough to strike at enemies or to fire a gun themselves.

Detect Magic - By focusing her senses Atisha can attempt to sense ambient magic activities in an area. Initially she'll be able to see if there is simply magic occurring, though with greater concentration she can discern more details such as what magic is being used, where the source is, and even who cast or made the spell.

Alarm - This spell allows Atisha can create magical alarms that will alert her whenever certain criteria are met, such as triggering at certain times of the day, whenever someone enters an area, or handles an object she has marked for with an alarm. 


Atisha loves ice cream and thinks dwarves are adorable. 