Alexander Sky was squinting at the bright lights manifested by the Magi at the Celestia Mansion, but was prepared for when a particularly blinding glow, one of bright burning orange tinted all over with green, pounced towards Vesta but was casually dodged by the Earth Mage. Following her lead, the young man barely dived out of the way, then hoped that this...demi-dragon (?) would not notice him. He breathed hard, trying to control himself, and instead listened to Vivi (?) as she talked with her older sister (?). [i]So, the name of the demi-dragon girl is Zin, if I heard the blue-haired girl's words right. I must stay out of her; her eyes shine with unhealthy obsession.[/i] Satisfied that he had hidden those thoughts from Zin's presence, Alexander stepped a few paces to the side, before turning backwards to where a Knightess on a horse rode towards Vesta. [i]Iron Bell Knights. The ones that are hiring mercs?[/i] Alexander bowed his head respectfully towards the Knightess (her name was Maria, right?), all the while wondering what she had come to her political ally about. Well, best to listen to these new developments; even idle gossip became very important if it was about the people in power. [i]Or it can just be a courtesy call,[/i] Alexander considered. He looked at Maria; she was a beautiful person, and her face expressed a strength of character that he lacked. A brave and courageous Knightess, Alexander didn't know enough about the woman to make any conclusions beyond first impressions. The young man glanced at Vesta, then; will she invite the Knightess into her house? They seemed to be friends if she was going to come to the Celestia mansion so promptly. [i]No conclusions to be reached. I just wish they'd discuss more about people like me; people from another world.[/i] [@Lunarlors34][@Spriggs27][@ADamnFiddle]