[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170923/fbeddbcaf9e72cd42cf38f084f1178eb.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62RvnXZgHwQ]∞ Come listen all ye fair maids to how the moral goes ∞ ∞ Nobody knew and nobody knows ∞[/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/97/e2/36/97e236ea32ee533832cc4cfcb0394c0b--industrial-chic-restaurant-design.jpg[/img][/center] [color=fdc68a]The Rabbit Hole Bar.[/color] It’s a pretty unassuming place, right? A little skeevy, but no more than any other bar. It’s much more than just a place to get drunk, though. The Rabbit Hole is a very special place: a multiversal constant. There is an entrance to this bar in every universe in existence. People from literally all walks of life come through to spend their time there. In the Rabbit Hole, anything can happen. And sitting at the center of it all is [color=fdc68a]Pepper[/color], the mysterious bartender with bright orange eyes. The Rabbit Hole is open to anyone from any universe. Sci-Fi, Modern, Fantasy, Fandom, canon characters, original characters, etc. are all welcome! You don’t have to submit a character sheet, but I’m providing one if you want to. Keep in mind that this is my first ever time GMing. I may not be very good at it. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Species: Appearance: (Picture or description) Any Powers?: Occupation: Universe: Canon or OC: [/hider]