The thing is Odin, you yourself state that you 'generally shit on moderation' you surround yourself with people who actively dislike the guild, or have been banned for misdemeanours in the past, and yet you still put yourself forward as this freedom fighter standing up to moderation and speaking for those who won't or can't do it themselves. Have you really thought about your ideas and wondered how many of them are misinformed by your own biases and the people you surround yourself with? 

I'd honestly want to know just how populist your ideas are. I find myself in a position where I don't really have a weighted interest in either side of any debate, I'm just a guy who's been on this site for six years, and I rarely if ever find myself sympathising with your position. 

I find the majority of the issues you raise incredibly nit-picky, demanding to know what moderators do for example is a bizarre concept to me, are you paying them? Do they have some responsibility to you personally to declare their activities? Some of the changes you recommend are frankly non-issues, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. For example, free, casual and advance aren't descriptors of players, they're descriptors of the rules for the style of roleplay. Do I want to roleplay in a free environment, a casual environment, an advanced environment? The descriptions work fine for that purpose, they have for as long as I've been here. 

Making reporting easier will certainly increase the number of reports, of course, it will also massively increase the amount of spur of the moment reports that waste moderator time because they hold nothing substantial. If people are seriously concerned about something, they will go to the slightly greater effort of reporting it with the current system, and they can send their report to every moderator if they want a speedy response time. 

That being said, some of the smaller issues and fixes like stickying help guides and the rules on each sub-forum seem reasonable enough. It's just a shame that some of the good ideas in here are intermingled with the mass of general 'moderator' critique that I can't help but find myself highly sceptical about. Anyway, that's my two cents, maybe I'll remember to check back in and see what the general opinions are of people on the guild. 

In odin's defense, hank has agreed with him on points he has brought up in the past. Including the changes to the Free, Casual, and Advanced. Ask him yourself if you feel like I'm someone who "actively hates the guild", which I'm not, thank you very much.

If I actually hated the guild I would have left long ago.

I've criticized it in the past, but that does not equate to hating it "actively", rather I would like to see it improve because it's given me good memories before.