Kaus Hettinger
Former Air Force Officer, now biologist
Kaus was born on August 22nd 2145 in an insignificant town out in Vermont. Kaus has always had an interest in living things, from cells to something as complex as a human being. For this reason, Kaus, from an early age, concentrated his efforts in biological sciences and hoped to become a biologist after he finished high school.
Kaus's interest turned to the Air Force, and even though he got his Bachelors Degree in Biology, he joined the Air Force at age 23. He became an excellent pilot, and reached the rank of Captain in seven years. After his successful piloting career, Kaus turned back to his life-long love: biology. Now thirty, Kaus turned to a company responsible for breeding and transplanting animals and plants that were suitable to live on Martian terrain, known as Congelion.
In 2178, a massive cargo ship carrying the last five Rhinoceroses suffered from technical issues as it was reentering Earth's atmosphere. In seconds it caught fire, and most of the crew inside did not survive. Although what really happened may never be known, the seven survivors, including Kaus, were questioned on the grounds of sabotage, as Congelion had developed quite a few enemies over the years of their existence. Kaus fought for his innocence for three years, but was eventually convicted of sabotage. Congelion gave Kaus a choice that day: Go to jail for the rest of your life, or go on the Olympus mission with their expeditionary team and have his conviction removed. His choice was obvious.