[center] [color=gold] [h1] Maria von Hohenzollern [img] https://i.imgur.com/h2XQ7uz.png [/img] [/h1] [/color] [/center] [center] [color=gold] [h2] Celestia Family Villa [/h2] [/color] [/center] [@Lunarlors34] [@FamishedPants] [@Spriggs27] [@Letter Bee] [color=gold]“It has been too long, hasn’t it One-,” [/color] Maria began, before realizing there were several other people in the area, and choking herself back if only a bit. A light shade of blush appeared upon Maria’s face as she caught these words upon herself. It was very likely had the two been alone, she would have not have choked these words down. After all, Vesta was an invaluable friend, and perhaps one of the few people she trusted for about anything. [color=gold]“Eh hm,” [/color] the Knight cleared her throat, coughing slightly as if to pretend it was merely an unintended sound rather than her intended vocabulary. [color=gold]“Vesta.” [/color] It should have been clear to Vesta that Maria was trying to act mature in front of others, which would seem somewhat out of place coming from how their meeting usually ended up. Perhaps it was the “desire to look adult” or to “make a strong first impression” that prompted Maria to switch her choice of calling Vesta from Onee-san to Vesta. Though even in private conversations, it seemed as if Maria recently chose to try [and mostly fail] using Vesta’s proper name over childish nicknames. Perhaps even to Vesta, Maria wanted to seem more mature in her current life and distance herself from the crybaby and childish person she once was. Stepping down from her horse, Maria walked closer to Vesta, a small smile forming lightly upon the sides of her mouth from being reunited with her childhood friend. [color=gold] “It must have been a few months by now, hasn’t it? Sorry, I haven't been able to visit recently with my promotion. Since I figured with my time off I would see if you wanted to perhaps have some tea, though you seem to have your hands filled with several people right now. If I am interrupting something, I would not wish to burden you with frivolous actions if you are overly busy right now.” [/color] It appeared as if when she had arrived, Vivi chose to excuse herself at the request of Vesta. It was a shame. Though Maria was never too close to the other sister, she did have a basic understanding of her person from her time with Vesta, hardly the brave knight today, scared of her own shadow and staggering behind the protection of Vesta from the outside world. [color=gold]“As cute as ever I see, Vivi. Sorry for any inconveniences my arrival caused. I would have written a letter prior to my arrival, but it was really a spur of the moment. I don’t have a gift for you this time, but perhaps next time i will remember.”[/color] [color=gold] “It is a pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Vesta is a friend of mine,” [/color] Maria replied simply. Of course, anyone who Vesta would even allow the slightest bit of companionship with was someone who Maria could likely trust. After at, the heiress and powerful Earth Mage seemed to have an almost uncanny ability to find those she deems worthy of companionship. Though perhaps their ties were not as tried and true as the ones shared by Maria and Vesta, at the very least if they were not good people, it was very likely they would have been thrown out of the grounds within moments of their arrival. Or perhaps it was just that Vesta had yet the time to do so. [color=gold] “Allow me to introduce myself as well. I am Captain Maria von Hohenzollern of the Iron Bell Knights and personal friend to the Celestias. A pleasure to make your acquaintances, Alexander Sky and Mr Heinrich Ford,” [/color] Maria said with a light bow, hardly much of a gesture, but it seemed genuine all the same. [color=gold]“Well this is some army you have been building in secret, or perhaps it is your harem?” [/color] Maria jested at Cesta, though it seemed by the cheesy grin upon her face it was clearly intended to be a joke. [color=gold] “I kid, of course. Though I would wish to meet the other you mentioned if they are an interesting fellow compared to these two gentlemen.” [/color] [Color=gold] “But thank you for having me today Vesta.. I have missed you dearly,” [/color]