[@Too Old 4 This] Here is a WIP, I just need to hammer out the last couple of details of his history and then write up a zeroth post. Lemme know if anything won't fit with your story. [hr] [hider=Coz // WIP] Name: Coz Home fracture: Averyll Home shard: The Kais, a large shard dominated by rocky grasslands and fields of flowers. The earth is peppered with cave systems that both Coz and the native Wikani call home. Several sizable herds of cows live amongst The Kais, large, wooly things highly valued for their furs and meat. Human guise: Even in human form there is something decidedly off about Coz. His teeth are a little too predatory, his nails a little too sharp, and his skin is covered in rashes with the texture of rough scales. Coz, of course, doesn't particularly care himself as he is content to stay to himself. Yet, dispite his disfigerments, Coz is strong of body with thick limbs and a solid trunk. He towers over the native Wikani, being just over eight feet in size True form: [url=https://68.media.tumblr.com/70ec2b197f3299d78f9f7619aa665057/tumblr_onwk0spuq81qjabr0o7_1280.jpg]A twisted mass of scale and horn[/url], Coz's true form has been corrupted by his brief brush with an Aether cloud in his youth. History: Knack: Tough As Nails, if Coz knows anything, it's how to survive. He may never thrive, but it'll take more than bad weather and a gut wound to keep something like Coz down. [b]Flaw:[/b] Brute, relying on strength and instinct to rule him, Coz is consequently not the most traditionally intelligent being and is quick to anger should he feel slighted. [b]Gift:[/b] Monsterous Strength, even by the standards of other Dragonbloods Coz is incredibly strong, able to snap the bones of dragons between his jaws as if they were little more than twigs. Even in human form his strength is great, able to manhandle the cows that herd around his territory without much trouble. [b]Impediment:[/b] Atrophied Wings, the same brush with aether that twisted his body took away his wings when he crashed into the Kais [b]0th post:[/b][/hider]