[i][/i][center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/992f/f/2016/274/0/9/blackblood_by_fenixking13-dajgrkh.png[/img][/center] [center][color=1b1464]Mithril Blackblood[/color] [color=Gold]The Golden Sword[/color][/center] [@Letter Bee] Deep in every shadow stood the unknown or unseen, the whisper of danger or silent protection for those of status enough to afford the luxury of choice. From the twisted minds of the rich and greedy were those of skill employed to enforce their will. That was how the golden sword rationed to its thoughts to Mithril, the masked killer wielding the sentient cursed sword. A prisoner to his own body. All he cpuld do when the blades will demanded it was follow the commands. Now was no different. Not a whisper of his passing heralded the approach of certain doom. Here in the royal capital they were fugitives wanted on dozens of murder cases, the targets always involving a person of status.. and their personal guards. Each body showed signs of a struggle, sometimes severely burned, others had given up and driven their own blade through their hearts. To date few knew the culprit but the Iron Bell knights, their leader having fought a man with a peculiar sword, had claimed it was the work of a demonic figure. A figure that had disappeared.. without a trace it had up and vanished from sight, eluding the ones tracking it until finally the chase had ended. Assuming the killer had fled the city. Posters had been put up and time had forgotten all about it. [color=gold][i]WE HAVE STOOD IDLE LONG ENOUGH, MITHRIL. SEEN THEIR RISE. NOW IS THE TIME.[/i][/color] Nodding his understanding Mithril tailed his target across the city. From the gates, to the nustling streets, all the way to an empty mansion. The why of their destination was not a concern, but the seclusion was ideal. If it had lips the golden sword would surely be licking them in anticipation. Their prey was a man by the name of Myst Neumann. [hr] Asmiras presence was known to the unnatural sight and senses of the blade as Mithril crouched out of sight and listened. All but invisible as the blade subtly masked their presence, slipping into the weak minds of those gathered to whisper safety. The conversation between the two was intriguing. Slave operations, reinforced homes, talks of civil war and an army.. [color=gold][i]BLOOD WILL RUN IF THIS MAN LIVES..[/i][/color] The voice in Mithrils mind all but purred at the idea of such wide spread chaos free in the streets. Those of talent would come forward and fight, openly! Identifying a challenge would be far easier if every hero of the war stood above- [color=gold][i]MYSTERY SWORDSMAN? A CHALLENGER PERHAPS..[/i][/color] Again Mithril could feel the evil smile crswl across his own face at the blades will. Another life he would be forced to snuff out. So be it. The first sign of his approach came in a wave, a feeling of minor fatigue. It sapped at the strength around it hungrily until the rooftop was bathed in its suppressive will. The rustle of cloth was the only indication that the roof held another occupant, as Mithril all but flew from his hidden location and struck fast from behind as the conversation came to its conclusion. Kicking hard at Asmiras knee from behind he forced the elf off balance. The pommel of a golden sword struck her head and all became black as consciousness blew away while her body crumpled in a heap at his feet. The shining edge of the blade flashed forward to menace Myst as Mithril spoke out. [color=gold]"Do not look surprised.. big aspirations draw attention.. and you have mine undivided.."[/color] The sword spoke through Mithril giving his voice an unearthly echo as the would-be assassin stalked forward, stomping hard enough on the knocked out elfs shoulder you could hear the sound of bone cracking painfully. [color=gold]"The girl will heal. A minor dislocation and a hairline fracture.. you on the other hand will not be so lucky."[/color] Mithril stalked closer until the blades tip was inches away from Mysts throat. [color=gold]"You're going to die here. Make no mistake, I can and will kill every soul under your command adter I pry their names from you.."[/color] The tip of the sword brushed against Mystd neck just long enough to reveal its hideous nature. To his eyes the world turned a hellish black as the looming spectre of the spirit haunting the sword revealed itself. Through his mind its influence could be felt like thorned vines wrapped around every thought like a aparasite- -as the blade slipped off his skin everything returned to normal. Nothing but the two men and the injured elf renained. [color=gold]"You've got one chance. Impress me, and you might live." [/color]