through out the multiverse a signal has been sent out. it started as a weak signal but it got stronger as time went on. after a while the signal's message was transmitted in the form of a hologram of a male human. the message was as follows "Hello heroes and adventurers my name is Kalin I have come with a plee. I live in a world far outside of you universes but i have found a way to send this message and bring you here. I need your help. My world has been taken over by a great army of villains some of them have come from you worlds and are here killing everyone in sight so they may rule this world and then come back to your worlds and conquer your worlds with the army they raise here." the hologram of the man flickered and then faded in its place was a hologram of a wormhole. any who step into this wormhole will be sent to the nevermore where anything can happen and anyone could be there.