[@TheRedWatcher] hmm I'll see what I can do, no promises :) [quote=@Ammokkx] [@Dynamo Frokane] Hm. This may be a strange question, but how does the deck come into play inside of the arena? As far as I can tell you can choose when to play which cards without having to draw or anything, so I'm wondering how that shows up inside of the arena. Do they just float in front of you, or is there like a holder in which the owner keeps their cards? Or do they just disappear, and the owner remembers everything they have off the top of their head? EDIT: Additional question. Assume a fight does happen, what happens to everyone else? Since time is technically 'frozen', it would get really confusing if events were happening an hour in the future while two parties fought. EDIT2: And say a battle concludes, is there some kind of mental whiplash? Considering they were hurt in the arena, does that somehow reflect on their real bodies? [/quote] You have a psychic link to your decks, so you know where to draw what card you wanted to use, you can use any card at anytime but you can only use 4 per post. Normal people will never know when a battle is taking place, time just blinks by if they happen to be around two ring bearers duelling. But other ring bearers can opt to 'see' a battle in real time if they want. And it wont get confusing, in all RPs there is a 'time bracket' so everyone can state what they were doing at what time, even if it has 'passed'. Say a battle takes place at 5pm and a non battling character posts that he is doing something for 2 hours, After the battle has finished you 'catch up' with what happened with your character 5-7pm. Yes there is, the pain you felt in the battle will feel quite real and you will be fairly drained of energy, especially if you lost. Repeated battles with no rest could cause fainting or even a coma. Will post when I get back btw.