Righto folks, time to keep the Bleakrock rolls rolling.

As you know, last bout Sevine, Niernen and Elmera were wounded. Three Armigers were killed, courtesy of Niernen, Roze and Daixanos, and three Armigers were wounded, courtesy of Sadri, Sevine and Elmera.

This leaves us with Armigers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9. Armigers 2, 4 and 9 are wounded. Armigers 1 and 2 are engaging Narzul and Sadri respectively. So the party above has to deal with Armigers 3, 4, 7 and 9. They have been ambushed and taken casualties, so if a player wishes to roll Speech to coerce them into surrender, it is a possibility. 

Below are the rules repeated again. 

[b]Rolls for Bleakrock[/b]

For everyone in the Bleakrock mission, I'm going to go with a 10-sided dice system like the rest of the GMs when there's dice rolling involved. I'm stealing Dervish's system mostly, quoted below, but with a few modifications:

[color=ed1c24]1-2[/color] is a failure, your character will be injured and brought down, where a second roll of the dice will determine if the enemy will continue to focus on this character to finish the job or take on another target (less than 5, continue the attack, 5 and up, move on unless there’s no other characters to fight). Depending on the circumstances, GMs will decide if the situation will be fatal. Close characters may elect to intervene, where if a player says they wish to intercept, will have to do another combat roll to see if they both make it to the character in time and receive injury in the process

[color=fff200]3-6 [/color]is a success, but with minor injury. Your character receives a minor wound that will have to be treated and will hinder their ability to fight somewhat, but it won’t take them out of the fight. Each subsequent roll with an injury will have a -1 penalty on the roll, and each injury added increases the penalty.

[color=39b54a]7-10 [/color]is a success where the best possible outcome for that engagement occurs. 


However, as I said, I'm modifying the system a bit, so you have [b]three[/b] options to proceed with and the rolls will be made accordingly.

[b]1 - Lethal Attack:[/b] Your attack's meant to kill, pure and simple. A full success ([color=39b54a]7-10[/color]) is an instant kill. A regular success ([color=fff200]3-6[/color]) means that your foe's wounded, and will need either another full success or another regular success similarly to die, but it also means they can hit you back. The effectiveness of the foe's strike will be also decided by a dice roll 1d2, 2 being a success, to see whether they miss or not (they don't get the instant-kill privilege you do, just a valid strike which will wound if successful). A failure ([color=ed1c24]1-2[/color]) means your hit misses and they roll 1d2.

[b]2 - Nonlethal Attack:[/b] Your attack's meant to stun, which will obviously help you from making a mess, and a captured foe means a hostage and information, and also means Dumhuvud will hate you slightly less for doing a good job. A full success ([color=39b54a]7-10[/color]) is an instant KO. A regular success ([color=fff200]3-6[/color]) means your attack hurts enough to stun them from hitting you, but they're still going to be up unless you land a full success or decide to go lethal. A failure ([color=ed1c24]1-2[/color]) means they get to strike at you, for which they'll roll 1d2, 2 being a successful hit.

[b]3 - Kick:[/b] This Spartan maneuver's meant to kick your opponent off the bridge, which means the fight's much shorter. It also gives you one bonus success in your roll for momentum. A full success ([color=39b54a]7-10[/color]) kicks them off the hill completely and they fall, upon which a 1d3 roll will be made to see if they are killed by the impact (1), get stunned (2) or survive and help their two friends below against Sadri and Narzul (3). A regular success ([color=fff200]3-6[/color]) means that you both fall down the hill, upon which they still make the 1d3 roll, and you get a minor injury. A failure ([color=ed1c24]1-2[/color]) means [s]an epic fail[/s] that you miss and lose your balance, and fall down the hill yourself, while your foe is undamaged.

Those who are below (Narzul, Sadri, whoever falls alongside their opponent/falls on their own in a failure) do not have the kick option.

Three failures in a row will cause major injury, and any wound received after a major injury can be fatal. Fleeing, falling down or asking for help is always an option, but given Dumhuvud, there will probably be consequences. 

[quote=@Peik][b]Rules For Enemy Surrender[/b]

Once the bout is over (i.e. everyone has made their posts), you can choose a spokesperson to try and coerce them. That person alone will be making the roll. 

The spokesperson will roll 1d10 with the Speech skill and need to score 7 or above. Those without the skill will get [b]-3[/b] to their roll. Novice gets [b]no bonus[/b]. Apprentice will get [b]+1[/b], Adept [b]+2[/b], Expert [b]+3[/b]. 

Should the roll get a failure ([color=ed1c24]1-2[/color]) the spokesperson will be wounded by a projectile. A regular success ([color=fff200]3-6[/color]) will have the spokesperson's suggestion rejected, and there will be formal restart of combat. Full success ([color=39b54a]7-10[/color]) will have the Armigers put down their arms peacefully.

The spokesperson will not be able to make any attack rolls in the bout, should the roll fail.

Those below (Sadri, Narzul) can also attempt a Speech roll, but their success or failure will be separate from the rest of the party and the Armigers.

Once everyone calls in their shots I shall roll. This time the rolls will continue until the fight is completely over. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.