[@Rtron][@Genbor] [hider=Old NRP NS]-Nation name [High Rock] -History (focus on the years 4E 201 to 205, anything before that is pre-established canon) [Hider=History]The History of High Rock in the Fourth Era is a turbulent one. Focusing on the years 201 to 205, though, one will find it only a very small measure less chaotic. In Jehanna, a war of succession played out, with several minor lords claiming lawful right to the throne. After two years of warring, it was settled that one battle would be held to decide the future of Jehannese rulers. It would be held in the style of a tournament, with open audience to ensure that the people all knew who would be ruling them by the end of it and no lies could be circulated. Each of the four factions that vied for the throne could select thirty men from their own armies to meet the other three factions’ thirty on the battlefield. This event would come to be known in High Rock as the Combat of the Thirty. Several men died and several others were captured and ransomed off after the end of the event. Out of the fray, though, stepped one victor: Frithjolf Broken-Shield, distant cousin to the late line of rulers and a known Haafingar warlord. He was married into the royal Princess’s family and placed on the throne, thus securing the old Nordic line of rulers and reestablishing a stable peace in Jehanna, albeit a precarious one. The Grand Duchy of Northpoint has suffered a recent loss of face after a high number of their army deserted to banditry. It was said this was due to allegations that Grand Duke Beralt Courtois was subject to unfounded accusations of the taboo of “sword-swallowing” and having his elite guard replaced with only tall, blonde-haired men. The people of Northpoint experienced varying degrees of reactions, ranging from not caring or supportive, to outright disgusted and holding open protests. This caused a schism within the army, with some holding their oath higher than their opinions and others deciding they would never hold an oath to a “spear-jerker.” By the year 4e205 the problem had been dealt with, with the accusations being put to rest and the deserters being put to the sword or escaping punishment by fleeing to Wayrest. King Ferrand Bellemont in Daggerfall has recently narrowly escaped one of the most nearly successful attempts on his life during his rule. Because of this, he has elected a figurehead from his cabinet of advisors to serve in his place on the throne while he bides his time. He still rules mostly, as the advisor is fiercely loyal to him and mostly only parrots what he decrees with minimal advisory where it may be needed. The political landscape in Daggerfall is largely the same. Only time will tell what the Gods decide to happen in High Rock’s most powerful Kingdom. As always, the Principality of Camlorn is peaceful. The people are happy, no new notches on the blades of the army’s weapons and the harvests are coming along well. Unlike most Kingdoms in High Rock, the threat does not come from inside, but instead from the outside. The people are yet to see it and Prince Narcisse is yet to feel it on the wind. It comes though. The status quo of drunken brawls, power-plays, and hangings seems to be going along well in Wayrest. Pirate-Lord Ambrose Mackin still maintains his place as the head of the Republic and he has no intentions of giving the position up. He fears that should the position be taken by any other than him that the newly founded Republic will fall within days due to the reckless rule that other men will go forth with. Ambrose has been good with making sure to not give the neighboring States any reason to directly intervene in Wayrest, and he intends to keep it that way. Despite this, one thorn in his side will surface to bury itself deep within him. An echo from the past, coming with the force of the strongest gale Ambrose will have to weather.[/hider] -Leadership (type of government, leader, political agenda) 4/5 Kingdoms are a monarchy, with the last being a Republic, although not officially recognized by High Rock’s leaders. The leaders of High Rock all vie to be the loudest voice in the Emperor’s ear to garner favor in his eyes and to hopefully elevate their State’s status in High Rock. This makes High Rock the second most Court Intrigue filled nation, rivaled only by Morrowind and its Great Houses. [hider=Rulers/Factions]Kingdom of Jehanna – - King Frithjolf Broken-Shield o 46 Years Old, Nord o Victor of the War of Jehannese Succession o Very calm and composed, but not afraid of military might o Somewhat out-of-place in High Rock’s Council of Kings because of his sense of Honor o Would make a better general than a King o Fair ruler despite Grand Duchy of Northpoint – - Grand Duke Beralt Courtois o 23 Years Old, Breton o Very militaristic, but holds a deep appreciation of music besides o Absent from throne, frequent sailor o Not a very good player in Court Intrigue, has many advisors o Hard ruler, does not tolerate perceived weakness in his subjects Kingdom of Daggerfall – - King Ferrand Bellemont o 56 Years Old, Breton o Survivor of many assassination attempts and blackmail schemes o Very adept player in Court Politics, this is how he and his family have ruled uncontested for years o Fair, if not strict ruler, with zero tolerance for piracy, banditry and freelance thievery/assassination(if you aren’t working for him, get outta there) o Maintains strong connection with merchants in Daggerfall, Hammerfell, and Cyrodiil, very well informed Principality of Camlorn – - Prince Narcisse Septim-Vincens o 30 Years Old, Cyro-Breton o Voice of the people, universally loved among nobility and lower-classes o Fair ruler, puts his people first in his visits to the Council of Kings o Hates Orcs, hates elves, dislikes the Empire, distant relation to Septim dynasty o Avid secessionist from Imperial rule, though respects the current Emperor as a man, if not accepts his place as Emperor Corsair Republic of Wayrest – - Pirate Lord Ambrose Mackin/Amber-Skin Who-Walks-Alone of the Painted-Men Clan o 40 Years Old, Reachman Exile o Rough man, not one to upset o Strict ruler, zero tolerance for those who would bring direct intervention on Wayrest and their newly founded Republic o Clashes with Daggerfall Navy have dropped exponentially under his rule, hangings for treason have reached an all-time high o Somewhat isolated, trying to open relations with Stros M’kai or Mainland Hammerfell The Blackhound Brigands/True Court of Wayrest – - Brother Everard III of Wayrest o Strict leader, maintains his place at top of the chain through killing o Ruthless, quick to anger, a very dangerous individual o Has been keeping his brotherhood afloat by making relations with the Crow-Wife and Painted-Men Clans, as well as several Orcish tribes. o Hellbent on getting Wayrest back for himself, killed his remaining brothers to ensure that he would be on the throne come the reckoning o Open to make friends with anyone who knows the Royal family of Wayrest still lives, albeit barely[/hider] -Allegiance (you can change this throughout the RP) A very tenuous thread connects them to the Cyrodiilic Empire, although it will be hard to secede, seeing as the Council of Kings will have to make a unified move to do so. High Rock is not the most unified of Provinces, to be sure. -Military Kingdom of Jehanna – [Hider=Hider]The Kingdom of Jehanna is home to some of High Rock’s best heavy infantry. Striving off of both levies and volunteers, the Kingdom of Jehanna fields one of the most impressive infantries known in High Rock. With the close proximity to Skyrim and also the fact that Royal family married their daughter to a Nordic Chieftain from Haafingar, many things have been borrowed from the Nords, from architecture to armament. As such, you will find the soldiers of Jehanna bedecked in furs, maille, meager plate and horned helm’d officers and carrying large round shields, swords, handaxes and long axes, as well as longbows(owing to the Breton natives, more than the Nordic influence). The Bretons and Nords of Jehanna fight with ferocity unmatched in High Rock, honed by the War of the Bend’r-Mahk, the annex of Farrun and also the constant warring with the Reachman Tribes. With the annexation of the port city of Farrun, Jehanna has gained itself a place with which to keep a meager force of warships. Although they are capable of defending their coast and port they are not capable of force projection in any way when it comes to their navy. The navy of Jehanna consists of six Men o’ War, ten Frigates, seven Brigs, ten Cogs, and twenty longships. The ships are crewed by Farrun natives both recruited and pressgang’d, and the longships are crewed by Nordic mercenaries from Dawnstar and Windhelm.[/hider] Grand Duchy of Northpoint – [Hider=Hider]This State is the most peaceful of the five that make up the nation of High Rock, allowing their army to grow as large as it is unused. Their military, unlike their neighbor Jehanna, keeps itself largely Breton. With the large amounts of steel and leather coming in from their trade with the other provinces, as well as their vast income coming from trade, the Grand Duchy of Northpoint is able to issue their soldiers some of the best quality in weapons and armor. Their marksmen are equipped with the best longbows made from springsteel and the finest wood that money can buy, equipped with either boiled leather plates or padded cloth, reducing their weight and increasing their maneuverability on the battlefield. The Grand Duchy of Northpoint also fields some of the best-equipped, but poorly trained Knight cavalry. These Knights are knights in name only, being the youngest sons and unwanted nephews of rich merchants with suits of full-plate and meager horsemanship training paid for by their family. As such, the infantry is supplied by both levies and volunteers from the lower-classes to fulfill the role of infantry. Footsoldiers are equipped with spears, axes and falchions, while shields range from bucklers to large hide round shields, and are armored in padded-cloth or boiled leather. The Grand Duchy of Northpoint is also home to the second largest port in Northern Tamriel, giving them a fleet of 500 battle-ready vessels at their disposal, some of which is used to keep the rabble from Wayrest in check. Owning the largest port in the North has allowed Northpoint’s sailors to garner a reputation of being the best to ever sail in the rough Sea of Ghosts, and by extension, any calmer sea. Northpoint’s navy is by far the best in High Rock, second only to Daggerfall, and can rival any in Northern Tamriel.[/hider] Kingdom of Daggerfall – [Hider=Hider]The Kingdom of Daggerfall has always been a very important and contested city in the Iliac Bay region. Their army is the second largest behind Northpoint’s, though makes up for this in their training and equipment. The Kingdom of Daggerfall relies on the renowned pikemen mercenaries from Camlorn to sow discord in cavalry charges, as well as their well-equipped and well-trained Great Sword infantry and skirmishers to smash into formations to break them so their cavalry can mop them up. Daggerfall’s Great Sword infantry is the most well-renowned niche unit in the Northern Provinces, a terrifying force, armored in flamboyant frills and half-plate, as well as steel morion helms, sallets or feathered flat caps, they make a very recognizable and intimidating presence on the battlefield, using the huge great swords they are trained from an early age with to smash through polearms and shields of any kind before moving among the disjointed formation with shorter blades and bucklers to help the cavalry in mopping up the remaining resistance. The skirmishers and archers are usually volunteers from the general populace who are of an able-bodied age. Equipped with anything from padded-cloth to maille, as well as simple steel helms with noseguards. The skirmishers work in tandem with the Great Sword infantry to move in more quickly and harass the flanks while the Great Sword infantry takes the front. They are also able to quickly flank any archer formations while their archer counterparts keep them pinned. Skirmishers are usually armed with falchions and bucklers or handaxes and large round shields, with archers being similarly armed in the event their longbows prove to be at an ineffectively short range. Always lightly armored and quick on their feet, they are able to outmarch many enemies and outrun many on the battlefield. Daggerfall’s cavalry is made up of the higher-class merchant sons and minor nobles making up a striving Knight-class in society. Armed with full-plate and riding the best horses imported straight from Colovia, Daggerfall’s cavalry makes a very devastating presence on the battlefield, able to quickly outflank enemy formations with the skirmishers and mop up any remaining resistance. Armed with arming swords, one-handed hammers, maces or flails, they make a very large impact on the enemy. Daggerfall’s navy boasts some of the best sailors in High Rock and is able to field the highest number of battle-ready vessels, dwarfing Northpoint’s navy by 600. Many of these ships are put toward helping Northpoint’s navy in pirate hunting and keeping the pirate ships around Wayrest from straying too far from the port there. With a military like this, the other States of High Rock are glad that the King of Daggerfall is more concerned with expanding his power through deals made in court rather than bloody conquest.[/hider] Principality of Camlorn – [Hider=hider]The Principality of Camlorn fields a small selection of archers from among the general populace, with every man and woman required to practice with the longbow for at least two hours each day. In this way, the Principality of Camlorn always has an armed and trained populace, ready to defend their borders and homes within. In the event that Camlorn is invaded, the general populace of Camlorn can be counted upon to make a reasonable resistance against the enemy. Although, it is to be noted that Camlorn, despite its small size, is anything but weak. The reason for this is because of their renowned tenacity for remaining independent from any other State in High Rock. This independence is maintained by the renowned pikemen trained in Camlorn, whose veterans and retirees go on to become well-paid mercenaries after their service. As it stands, Camlorn’s armies fields the highest number of active role battlemages, as opposed to most other States in High Rock, who keep their mages behind the defensive lines to act as support for the wounded and to boost morale within the ranks. Because of this, Camlorn has remained independent and one of the safest States in High Rock. The people of Camlorn refuse to bow down to anyone but the person on their throne. Camlorn’s battlemages are renowned to be some of the best, second only to the Imperial Legion’s corps of battlemages in skill and mettle. Camlorn’s battlemages can be seen at the front of every conflict, usually acting as support for their brethren, but are also trained to use a blade. Armed with shortswords and clad in boiled leather, they rely on a mixture of alteration, destruction and illusion to keep them alive on the battlefield, something that lends the most strength to the otherwise poor unit types of Camlorn’s army. As far as infantry goes, Camlorn fields the best pike formations in High Rock, armed with a multitude of polearms and anything from brigandines to padded cloth. Their pikemen are known to turn away enemies with their simple intimidating, obstinate advance. One would be hard-pressed to find a better army capable of countering both strong formations, cavalry and infantry charges, as well as work to break enemy formations on the advance while minimalizing casualties. Camlorn’s infantry doesn’t just train with pikes, as their infantry also deals with many other types of polearms, from poleaxes, polehammers, voulges and many more at their disposal. The only other army that rivals Camlorn’s infantry in their ability to break formations is Jehanna, with their better armed and amored infantry. What Camlorn’s army makes up for in armor, is maneuverability and morale(through battlemages), which is key in a defensive army suited to being able to put up resistance to an encroaching army while utilizing the best at what their meager State income can afford.[/hider] Corsair Republic of Wayrest – [hider=Hider]The Corsair Republic of Wayrest is a very recent player as far as inter-State politics go. Being a port-city and controlled by Corsairs and pirates, it is no surprise that Wayrest holds a place as the third strongest naval force, behind Northpoint. An amalgamation of different vessels, anything from longships to Men o’ War, the Wayrest navy is a rag-tag but skilled one, making up for in strategy with what they can individually do. The captains of Wayrest are some of the best of any Navy in Tamriel, besides perhaps Alinor, although a few Altmer captains do trace their history as sailors back to the Isles from whence they came. With the recent change in rulership of Wayrest, it has become a haven for refugees and ruffians alike. Almost every man one can see in Wayrest is capable of killing another, as such is life since the takeover. Individual merit is based on how well one can fight, making the general populace of Wayrest a very tough one, being made up of seaworthy sailors that fear no man, for they have broken over waves taller than any living creature, to bandit clans, either pledging their allegiance to the Pirate King or just passing through. Wayrest’s infantry can be said to be made up of the general citizenry, from the paid cutthroats that skulk in alleyways looking for a life to take in exchange for meager coin, to the bandit clans that seem to be uniting under one banner- Pirate Lord Ambrose Mackin’s. These men can be clad in any type of armor, from repurposed Legion garb to slightly damaged maille, scavenged from someone dead.[/hider] -Culture/society The overall society of High Rock is feudal in nature, with powerful heads of state like Kings and Dukes holding the reins, landowners supplying much needed trade goods for the market and economy to the Lords and the Lords, in turn, supplying the reigning ruler with men for the armies. This model of society can be applied to most of High Rock, with Wayrest being the only exception. Despite this heavily boiled down model of the society of High Rock, it is to be said that the culture is hardly as simple as this. The culture of High Rock has always been one where only the ambitious thrive and are subject to the whims of those strong enough to take their power. Such examples are the five remaining states after the Warp in the West. The royal families of each State are the victors of many wars, and hold their place as the strong among the strong. Wayrest is the most readily apparent and most recent example, behind Jehanna. The many pirates that fancied themselves good enough captains to lead a State convened to topple the royal family of Wayrest and install their own government. When all was said and done, there was still a leader to choose. Through the most transparent examples of High Rock’s true nature, a series of blackmails, assassinations and open bloody feuds were fought in the streets, the courts and the sea. Out of the smoke stepped one man strong enough to govern, and that was then-Captain Ambrose Mackin, to be renamed Pirate-Lord Ambrose Mackin in light of the position he had earned by slitting throats and doing what needed to be done to secure his place, going from lowly Reachman exile, to sailor, captain and now Pirate-Lord. High Rock: The land where Paupers become Princes.[/hider] [hider=slightly updated stuff using old NS as template] [center][img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7733/26865988593_0e8a0d56bf_b.jpg[/img][/center] [quote=Lady Reina Bochur, royal historian of Shornhelm][b][i]T[/i][/b]he lion appears as the hereditary symbol of many Breton kingdoms. A popular legend told of fierce lion prides aiding Breton freedom fighters as they rose up against their Ayleid overlords. The Daggerfall Covenant of the second era featured the lion on its banners. Today, the nostalgics of High Rock propose to reintroduce the lion banner in commemoration of Ferrand Bellemont, the first Breton high king crowned in many centuries.[/quote] [sub][h2][b]H[/b]istory[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent]High Rock has always been a land of squabbling petty kingdoms, making treaties and alliances that would last a year, a month, a week or less. Not much has changed since the Miracle of Peace or their admission into the Empire. Now that they aren’t laying siege to each other or skirmishing at every opportunity doesn’t mean that the five remaining monarchs are without their ambitions. Shadow wars, intrigue and scandals are the new sieges, skirmishes and battles. This all changed when High Rock was shaken by the focused attack on Wayrest by pirates that resulted in the death of King Jean Valois, Queen Almin Valois and their heirs and courtiers. Many rumors abound that Daggerfall’s navy was conveniently absent from the mouth of the Iliac bay and only one man could stand to gain by eradicating his rival and any who could live to even fantasize about vengeance: King Ferrand Bellemont of Daggerfall. Now, after he has ascended to the throne of High King of High Rock, he has lain siege to pirate-infested Wayrest, supposedly to bring Ambrose Mackin to justice for his crimes against High Rock. It still stands that there’s only one man he wants in power as Protector of Wayrest afterwards, and that man is his son, Crown-Prince Gregory Bellemont. One thing he does not yet know, though his spies in the courts of his subjects are whispering furiously about are the rumors of the return of one of the Valois line. The only surviving member of House Valois, with dreams of power and vengeance for all who have wronged him and punishment for all who oppose him- self-proclaimed King of Wayrest, Everard III, so named the Bloody Rose of Wayrest by his supporters and subjects and the Black Bastard of Wayrest by his enemies for the rumors of fratricide and brigandry that have allowed him his place as sole claimant and heir to the whalebone throne of Wayrest. Up in arms in support of the last hope of an independent Wayrest, the peasantry are up in arms to throw out these Daggerfall dogs from Wayrest and are ready to die for the red-petal rose of Wayrest’s banners. At the head of a ten-thousand strong host with his best friends, Prince Narcisse Septim-Vincens and Mathieu the Whisper, and with some weighty names in High Rock supporting his claim, he raises his banner, hoists his shield and grips his sword. War has always been a fine tradition of High Rock’s Breton sons, and the Bloody Rose has come to claim his throne all the while the Black Bastard has come to see his enemies put to the sword. Geographically speaking, High Rock is currently divided between five major powers.[/indent] [list] [*]Kingdom of Daggerfall [*]Camlorn Principality [*]Duchy of Northpoint [*]Kingdom of Jehanna [*]Republic of Wayrest [/list] [sub][h2][b]P[/b]eople[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent]Greater High Rock:[/indent] [list][*]High King Ferrand Bellemont of Daggerfall [list] [*]Gregory Bellemont of Daggerfall, Ferrand’s heir and Protector of Wayrest [*]Vivienne of Grennsmark the “Iron Lady,” Field Marshal [*]Argyllien Direnni of Balfiera, Captain of the Direnni Levies [/list] [*]Grand-Duke Beralt Courtois of Northpoint [list] [*]Count Aethelwulf Aethelwulfing of Hardwall, Beralt’s Field Marshal, Captain of the Hardwall Levies Lord [*]Hesse Arnault of Farnorth, Captain of the Farnorth Levies [/list] [*]Ingvar Half-Hand, Captain of the Iron Brothers [*]Hossenfar of Gradskeep, Captain of the Blackguards [/list] [indent]Everard’s Rebellion:[/indent] [list] [*]Everard III the Bastard of Wayrest, self-proclaimed King of Wayrest, Captain of the Grey Host, and rumored leader of the Blackhound Brotherhood Brigands [list] [*]Mathieu the Whisper, court nightblade to Everard and master of disguise [*]Sir Roderic the Bull, Captain of the Company of the Bull [/list] [*]Narcisse Septim-Vincens, Prince of Camlorn, Everard’s Captain of the Camlorn Levies [list] [*]Duke Egan Provell “the Rock of Shornhelm,” Everard’s Field Marshal [*]Count Darren of Stonemoors, Captain of the Stonemoors Levies [*]Lord Aelfged of Ram’s Rest, Captain of the Ram’s Rest Levies [/list] [*]King Frithjolf Broken-Shield of Jehanna [list] [*]Hrolfr Iron-Arm of Jehanna, Frithjolf’s heir and Field Marshal [*]Antoinne of Jehanna, Frithjolf’s second son and spymaster [*]Duke Hawkwood of Farrun, Frithjolf’s captain of the Farrun Levies [/list] [*]Blood-Red Nate, Leader of the Defenders of Wayrest and Leader of the Southwood Brigands [list] [*]Snorri Splitfoot, Leader of the Quickfoot Brigands [*]Lightsleep, Leader of the Cracktusk Brigands [*]Cammen Goring, Leader of the Steelhead Brigands [/list] [*]Old Man Yor, Commander of the River Watch of Wayrest [*]Engel Merkiller, Commander of the Forest Watch of Wayrest [*]Chieftess Red-Crow Eats-Them-Whole, Crow-Wife Clan [*]Chief Rockgulper, Broketeeth Clan [*]Ruccat gro-Schin, Captain of Orc volunteers [/list] [sub][h2][b]P[/b]olitics[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent]Unlike the days of old, High Rock has come under the rulership of five monarchs, each securing their lands as sovereign states. Until 4E 205, these five states operated with almost unchecked autonomy with the absence of the Imperial Garrison after the end of the Great War. In 4e205, the Emperor of Cyrodiil held a summit with the five rulers and High Rock’s politics have changed, the Emperor’s hopes being for the better. High King Ferrand Bellemont, King of Daggerfall and High-King of High Rock has come into power through the votes of the Prince Electorate of High Rock, a council set up for the election of the King’s royal line in the event the High-King should die without any male heirs. This council is made up of the lords of the five realms- Daggerfall, Camlorn, Jehanna, Northpoint, and Wayrest will be brought into the fold soon enough. High Rock hosts record amount of knightly orders. From the well-established Knights of the Flame and Zenithar's Iron Knights to more recent upstarts such as the Hundknecht and the Poor-Knightly Brothers of Holy Tiber. Rural, decentralized regions often surrender governance to local knights in exchange for protection. While in larger cities, the monarch's personal army may collaborate or rival (depending on political climate) with their independent counterparts.[/indent] [sub][h2][b]M[/b]ilitary[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent]Greater High Rock:[/indent] [list][*]2,070 of Ferrand’s personal levy [*]500, Ferrand’s retinue [*]1,567, Grennsmark Levies [*]800, Direnni Levies [*]2,234, Northpoint Levies [*]1,700, Hardwall Levies [*]1,030, Farnorth Levies [*]2,000, the Iron Brothers [*]2,000, the Blackguards [/list] [indent]Total = 13,901 Everard’s Rebellion:[/indent] [list][*]500, the Grey Host [*]1,000, the Company of the Bull [*]2,300, Camlorn Levies [*]1,021, Egan’s personal levies [*]920, Stonemoors Levies [*]807, Ram’s Rest Levies [*]740, Frithjolf’s Retinue [*]246, Hrolfr’s Band [*]120, Antoinne’s Band [*]780, Farrun Levies [*]45, Southwood Brigands [*]37, Quickfoot Brigands [*]24, Golden Plains Brigands [*]40, Steelhead Brigands [*]400, River and Forest Watch [*]700, Crow-Wife Clan [*]890, Broketeeth Clan [*]100, Orc volunteers [/list] [indent]Total = 10,670[/indent] [sub][h2][b]C[/b]ulture and Society[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent] The overall society of High Rock is feudal in nature, with powerful heads of state like Kings and Dukes holding the reins, landowners supplying much needed trade goods for the market and economy to the Lords and the Lords, in turn, supplying the reigning ruler with men for the armies. This model of society can be applied to most of High Rock, with Wayrest being the only exception. Despite this heavily boiled down model of the society of High Rock, it is to be said that the culture is hardly as simple as this. The culture of High Rock has always been one where only the ambitious thrive and are subject to the whims of those strong enough to take their power. Such examples are the five remaining states after the Warp in the West. The royal families of each State are the victors of many wars, and hold their place as the strong among the strong. Wayrest is the most readily apparent and most recent example, behind Jehanna. The many pirates that fancied themselves good enough captains to lead a State convened to topple the royal family of Wayrest and install their own government. When all was said and done, there was still a leader to choose. Through the most transparent examples of High Rock’s true nature, a series of blackmails, assassinations and open bloody feuds were fought in the streets, the courts and the sea. Out of the smoke stepped one man strong enough to govern, and that was then-Captain Ambrose Mackin, to be renamed Pirate-Lord Ambrose Mackin in light of the position he had earned by slitting throats and doing what needed to be done to secure his place, going from lowly Reachman exile, to sailor, captain and now Pirate-Lord.[/indent][/hider]