[h1][b][center][color=fff79a]Barüvalen Shücktah
Or Ben[/color][/center][/b][/h1]

The plane was cold, an offsetting tone to the heat that Ben was used to. He sat and waited as the plane, personal listening device plugged into the port, listening to his own type of music. As he glanced around, he noticed a scarred woman clutching a small pill with a colored piece of paper inside, looking anxious and worried. He scoffed and went back to listening to his music, not paying attention to anyone else, and thinking about how fast the training was. It was a large cocktail of emotions. He was quickly chosen to become this "Herald", that he had never heard about. The training was so fast, and yet he was so efficient with it, quickly surpassing even his own expectations, and now this.

Speaking of cocktails, Ben was getting quite thirsty. He grumbled to himself, unplugged the music, and pressed the drinks button. Near instantly, they hovered over to him, and in a "droning" nature, they stated, [color=00aeef]"We have non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, which would you like sir?"[/color] 

He grumbled, in a low volume, and in rather grungy tone, he squeezed out, [color=fff200]"I'd like an alcoholic vodka. An entire glass, the strongest you have,"[/color] and like that, they rushed off to get what he ordered.

Again, they rushed out, just barely missing to spill the vodka he had ordered, and placed it down, [color=00aeef]"Have a nice flight, and thank you for gracing us with your presence." [/color] Ben wondered as they hovered away, and thought.[i] Wow, I really am a really important person[/i], but just as quickly as it came up, he brushed it off. He was going to the place he was going, with all these unfamiliar people, and he just wanted to see Raza, his EXO. He plugged in his music again, and droned into thought, trying to resolve all the things that could happen in his future.

As he sipped his vodka, he remembered all those memories in the past, and how they all led up, separating what mattered and what didn't. Seeing all the different paths his life could play out, and realized that this all happened for a reason. 

But then, in that moment. That unbearable boredom, he just wanted some action. And that came to him quick. He wanted off soon.