[Hider= Tulious Veriminas] [h3][B]Name:[/B] Tulious Veriminas.[/h3] [B]Race:[/B] Imperial/Nord [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 28, DoB: 4E 180, 15th First Seed. [B]Birthsign:[/B] The Lord [B]Family Origins:[/B] County Chorrol, Cyrodil [B]Appearance: [/B] Tulious stands at six feet and five inches and weighs about two-hundred and thirty pounds. His hair is kept short and reddish brown in color. His eyes are a neutral gray. His skin complexion is lighter than usual for an Imperial though still olive colored. The scars he has remain covered up for the most part because of where they are. (Couldn't find an image I felt best described him. Least not yet.) [B]Equipment: [/B] Steel longbow 20 iron arrows in leather quiver Steel short sword Imperial legion chest plate, helm, greaves, and boots Quilted tunic lined with fur for warmth Fur boots Leather pants Wool small cloths [B]Misc. Possessions:[/B] Oilcloth, and oil for armor and weapons Two torches Quill, ink, and parchment for writing letters home. Flint stone Iron dagger used as a razor/trimmer Large leather rucksack for carrying his gear Small satchel with some jerky and wild mushrooms Jeweled locket, on a silver chain, with a small painting of a wood elf in it. (Wears it at all times) [B]Favoured Skills:[/B] Highly proficient: Marksman: Taught by his father and his father's wood elf friend how to use a bow from an early age. Before joining the legion he hunted in the Colovian Highlands often with them and his siblings. Moderately proficient: Alchemy: Having spent a lot of time in the woods and probing the mind of the local alchemist, Tulious learned much of local fauna. What can be eaten, what cannot, and what can be used to coat arrows to kill goblins or other creatures faster. Heavy Armor: After joining the legion Tulious found he was more comfortable with a skin of steel rather than leather even as an archer. Ten years of service and several battles gave deeper learning to what his drill masters taught him. Athletics: Chasing game in the woods or the daily runs in full gear from boot camp, either way Tulious is a decent runner and doesn't tire as easily as some. Somewhat proficient: Block: Basic training in the legion covered this in hopes of extending the life of some of its recruits. Not his best skill but it did keep him from taking an axe to the face. Smithing: Using some of what his mother taught him to mend the rents, dents, and splits on his armor gave him a better idea of smithing. The earful he got from the company smith told him he still had leagues to go. Blade: Shooting a bow in close combat isn't ideal so part of his training was the use of a shortsword. While his strikes are not as well aimed as his arrows he still knows to stick them with the pointy end. [B]History:[/B] The Veriminas family first settled in Anvil in the middle of the third era maintaining farms in the rolling plains, hunting local game, or working the docks. A feud between two brothers led Tulious’ grandfather's grandfather's father to move to Chorrol near the end of the third era. He built his new home four miles to the west of the city on the great forest and began to make a living as a hunter. From then on most of the Veriminas family in that area made their living as game hunters, guides, archers in the imperial legion, and city guards in Chorrol. This later became a settlement known as Woods Rest. Tulious’ great great grandfather had eventually purchased an ebony bow as well leaving it as a heirloom when he passed. Allintus Veriminas, Tulious’ father, had served in the Legion during the great war having joined the legion just two years before the start on his eighteenth name day. In those two years he met a bosmer whose family was in exile from Valenwood, Basalas Dornwood. The two became good friends over the two years before the war and remained so since then. Unfortunately Basalas took a grievous wound losing part of his left leg and was dismissed from service. After the war he moved to Woods Rest, at Allintus’ suggestion, with his wife and children. During his service he met Sonjior the Smith, who later became his wife, one of the company smiths. She was from Solitude and had been brought down from Skyrim to Cyrodil to aide in making and repairing the armor the soldiers used. Their relationship started as one of simply two people looking for companionship of the gender and later evolved into an actual relationship. After the signing of the White-Gold Concordat, Sonjior and Allintus married. She was dismissed from the Legion after becoming pregnant with their first child. She went to his family's home in Woods Rest to give birth to Rolgin. Allintus visited as much as possible until the end of his contract in the Legion, which was until 4E 178. In the time between the end of the war and then, Ciita, their second child, was born. Two years later Tulious was born. Three years after him Sigrnja was born. Two more years and the youngest, Gergis, was born. Now as Tulious learned much of what he knew of his usage of a bow from Basalas and Allintus. His first hunt was at five years old. While he had not taken a deer as he had wanted he set to training with the bow more often. Over time he grew more adept with the bow. Also in this time he had befriended and grown close to Cinnea, Basalas’ youngest daughter and five years his senior. Together the explored much of the area, delving into ruins and caves, tricking bandits, evading trolls, and fighting goblins. Their bond was strong and deep so it was little surprise that when he had enlisted in the Legion she followed suit. The day after he had enlisted, which was 4E 198 17th First Seed, he had gone to the Arena to visit his brother Rolgin, he had been a gladiator now for five years. Rolgin invited his brother to dine with him after his fight against a high elf. Tulious sat in the seats to watch the fight. The fight started out in Rolgin’s favor, he had managed to keep distance by using his bow. The Altmer took a chance when Rolgin had to run to grab an arrow off the ground. He closed fast, blinded him with a spell, and then gutted him with a long sword. It wasn't his brothers death that bothered him. It was the cheering of the crowd. Their calls for blood. Their roar of approval as the elf gutted his brother then finished the battle with a coup de grac. Cinnea was there to comfort him and help him cope with the loss. He has still never gone near any arena, and mourns the loss every year. During his time in the Legion he was stationed in Bravil, Cheydinhal, and finally Skyrim. The last was due to the Stormcloak rebellion having escalated with the death of High King Torygg. Just before his departure to Skyrim his father had given him the heirloom bow to use while on that tour. First the unit he was in was stationed in a fort west of Solitude. They were tasked with seeking out the rebel camps and engage them. They had found a few and forced many to route though not without losses of their own. In the units last altercation,Tulious had taken an arrow to his left shoulder and then his right thigh in an ambush. He managed to fire off two arrows before being assailed by a swordsman. He dropped his bow, drew his short sword, and blocked the first blow from the Nord before quickly having to give ground. He parried a few blows before being overwhelmed by the furious assault and knocked to the ground. Before the man could finish him an arrow sprouted from his throat and he fell. Cinnea has been a few yards off with her bow still raised and another arrow knocked. She eased it back and ran to Tulious to drag him to safety. His wounds left him out for a week. That short time was mostly due to the mages and their potions they used to help speed up the recovery of the wounded. His unit's next station was Whiterun. This happened after word of an impending rebel attack on the town came from the Jarl of Whiterun. The siege was a long bloody ordeal. Again Tulious was wounded, this time by an axeman who managed get up a ladder. He had slew two other archers and closed in on Tulious. Tulious didn't have a chance to draw his shortsword and had to block using his bow. The axe caught just below his left hand and the impact caused the bow to break. He dropped the broken weapon and gave ground to avoid another blow aimed at his neck. His hand fumbled at the hilt of his sword and only partially drew it before catching a blow to his right arm. His armor took most the damage but as it gave under the axe head it dug into his flesh. The blow also fractured part of his arm as well. Another blow was delivered to his chest fracturing several ribs and knocking him to the ground. Before the axeman could deliver the killing blow, Cinnea intervened by firing an arrow into his hand forcing the swing to go off track. Another arrow was sent into the man's temple to finish him. Cinnea dragged Tulious to safety and stood over him while still engaging the enemy with her bow. After the battle she picked up the broken remains of his bow to return them to him later. Tulious’ recover was yet again hastened by the mages and their potions, however the war had ended by the time his recover was complete. He and Cinnea had been assigned to another fort, this one near Whiterun, to again hunt remain rebel camps. On 4E 203 22nd Last Seed Cinnea presented him a jeweled locket that she had made months ago. In the locket was a small painting of herself. Tulious stood there speechless as Cinnea professed how much she had loved him, and just now had mustered enough courage to tell him. She also asked him if he would do her the honor of becoming her husband. He accepted happily and they were married three days later. The last four years of their service were not as intense as during the Skyrim civil war and little happened. On 4E 208 17th of First Seed their contracts with the Legion had ended and both set for home now wanting to see their home again. Cinnea learned at this time she was also carrying their first child. They set off for home taking their time and travelling with a rather large group hoping to avoid bandit confrontations. As they passed through Falkreath word got to them of an expedition delving into a recently discovered Dwemer ruin. Tulious talked with Cinnea about both of them going to serve as guards for the party, and probably earn some good gold as well. She was uncertain of it as she was now carrying their child and wanted to continue to home. Understanding he mentioned just him going and still using it as an opportunity to earn some extra septims so they could better start back home. She was reluctant at first but yielded when he promised he would write her often and stay safe. They split from there and she returned to Woods Rest and he went to join the excavation team. [B]Notes:[/B] Cinnea still has the ebony bow that broke during the battle of Whiterun. It still has yet to be fixed. [B]Personality:[/B] Typically cheery and very loyal to the Empire as well as friends and family. Tends to be a bit depressed around the 28th of Second seed due to the loss of his brother. Will panic if he losses his locket and will do anything to get it back. Even if it means selling everything he has on his person at the time. Hates gladiatorial combat as a form of entertainment, again has to do with the loss of his brother. Enjoys fine wine, though he has acquired a taste for Nordic mead and ale. He is also very easily influenced when intoxicated leaving him prone to do or say many things he normally would not. Chances are he wouldn't remember doing it either. [B]Family and Associates [/B] Allintus Veriminas: Father 60 Sonjior the smith: Mother 58 Rolgir Veriminas: Older brother. Deceased. Ciita Veriminas: Older sister. Age 30 Sigrnja Veriminas: Younger sister. Age 26 Gergis Veriminas: Younger brother. Age 23 Basalas Dornwood: Father in law. Age 74 Cinnea Dornwood/Veriminas: Spouse. Age 33 [/hider] Finally done and ready for review.