[hider=the number one] [center] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2hyw1l2.jpg[/IMG] "If you can't make then see the light, make them feel the heat." [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171110/20b3e19dc35b29b71cacedfcf25d0a6b.png[/img] [b]Name[/b] Lance Beauregard Sanford III [b]Nicknames/Aliases[/b] [b]The Unstoppable[/b], also uses pen names [b]Age[/b] 42 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Allegiance[/b] The Patron Saints [Leader] [b]Personality[/b] Lance is certainly a little rough around the edges. Irritable, edgy, and uncaring at times, he's not the easiest person to get along with. Lance is not friendly, and is untrusting and difficult to talk to. Despite what one might think, he's very rarely anxious or nervous, which is a good thing except when it leads to sloppiness and procrastination, which Lance is no stranger to. Despite this, he's a good person beneath the surface, and is a person you can trust to do what's right, most of the time, at any rate. [b]Backstory[/b] Lance was born in Crescent Hills to the rich family of Sanford. The family has been rich since the early days of Independence City. His ancestor, Brian Sanford, was an architect in charge of Independence City’s development, and his son Independence City’s first mayor. The Sanfords have always been influential in Independence City’s politics and everything that goes on in that case. Lance went to a nearby private school, and in his late 20s became the head of the household when his parents died in a tragic accident at a ski resort. There, Lance found that the Sanfords had been heavily involved with organized crime and the mafia. It was around this time that Lance began to develop unusual abilities. Soon, Lance grew fed up with his ties to the Mafia and decided to end them. When the Mafia arrived at his doorstep, he was waiting and killed the entire hit squad. The Mafia realized that they had messed with the wrong man, and turned to their superior, the Overseer, for help. The Overseer liquidated the Sanford families assets, had their mansion taken, and erased all recent records of the Sanford name. Lance had luckily prepared for this occasion, and had put tons of money away under a false name. He withdrew and purchased a penthouse in Corundum under the name Roberto Gucci, ironically right near the Overseer’s own. He was prepared to retire, unknown to the world, content with his life, but he couldn’t do that. He saw what he could do on his own. Imagine what a group of people like him could do. From that point on he managed to group together the city’s vigilantes, unite them under the name ‘Patron Saints,’ and supply them with a base and materials. Yet it seems like the vigilante life has taken its toll on Lance. The man has since become an alcoholic and his appearances outside his weapon-stocked penthouse have become fewer and fewer still. But every morning, he still wakes up and looks up at the man that destroyed him, and wonders when he gets an opportunity to destroy him back. [b]Carried Weapons/Items[/b] Besides alcohol, Lance always takes a surplus of weapons with him at all times. While he owns too many guns to name, his favorites are the Sig Sauer 9mm P229, the Heckler and Koch G36, the Galil, the McMillan TAC-50, and anything that involves explosions. [b]Superpowers[/b] While having no offensive superpowers, Lance has superhuman durability. His skin, bones, and muscles are superhumanly dense, allowing him to take way more punishment than a normal human. In particular, his body can block bullets incredibly well, and what would normally be fatal for a human would only wind him. Of course, enough of anything can put him down for good, but by that point the opposition is typically dead, hence his nickname, ‘the Unstoppable.’ [b]Skills[/b] Lance is naturally a good shot and is incredibly well-versed in the art of improvisation. He also can fight hand-to-hand pretty well. [/center] [/hider]