Hey guys. Long time no see, so here's a status update:

Recently moved, twice, this second time to California, San Diego to be exact, and with the move I've been beset with a ton of responsibilities, such as paying bills and having a job. I'm also a legit art student now, yay me, so I've also got drawing to worry about. I've been thinking on dropping out of Divinus for some time, and it's caused me a lot of stress as of late, not a second goes by where I think about this wonderful world we've built; and not a second goes by where I feel extreme guilt for neglecting a group of genuine and creative people for so long. I'm so sorry for being silent for such a time, it's taken a lot of courage to come to a proper decision on whether or not to stay or go - and due to recent financial difficulties, I can no longer sustain the hope of staying in this roleplay.

Lifprasil and Alefpria mean a lot to me, and while I don't know what has happened to these things in my leave, I would like to trust them to another player, so all the effort building up this slice of Galbar aren't for nothing. Antarctic Termite, or Double Capybara would be my first picks, as they have both been good friends, and know of my plans for Lifprasil and beyond. However, I would not put it past this group to remove him and Alefpria from the Roleplay entirely; due to my gross mismanagement of my role in this story. I'm sorry. I've failed you guys, and I've failed Divinus despite all of you investing so much time and effort into me, it pains me deeply to leave all this behind, and it would pain me even more to leave you guys behind, so I'll pop my contact info below in case anyone wants to contact me outside the Roleplayer Guild.

I wish only the best for all of you, and I hope you can forgive me.