[@VoiD] and [@The Wyrm], thank you both. I appreciate the appreciation lol. The alliteration started flowing naturally at first, but then once I'd recognized what it was building up to, it definitely took a but of concentration to pad it further. Still can't really tell if it was overkill or not. I remember in V for Vendetta when V rattled off that first line of alliteration and how feeling the rising intensity and pace evoked. I was going for some of that sort without spilling into a full rant, but I couldn't be sure if it felt like a bit of a stretch. [quote=@Not Fishing] Leventis and Milos seem like they might get along well. [/quote] I imagine so. I think that Herakles will be watching Milos closely and modeling much of his own military knowledge from the lieutenant's. The most prominent aspect that they'll likely share is a demand for competency at a minimum for others and excellence above all else for themselves. Their major difference I've identified is that where Milos places discipline foremost, Herakles will endeavor to earn his men's loyalty first. Opportunities for mentorship abound!