[@OneWayOut] Edited [hider=Toron Henson] [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/55/9f/69/559f6995f0093fab56e931299f77f9b2--rugged-style-hipster-style.jpg[/img] “Everything has a balance, there cannot be life without death, chaos without order.”[/center] |[color=8dc73f] NAME: [/color]| Toron “Troll” Henson |[color=8dc73f] AGE: [/color]| [b]Age Appearance:[/b] 30 [b]Actual Age:[/b] 24 | [color=8dc73f]MAGIC ABILITIES/AUGMENTOR: [/color]| •School of Magic: Nature manipulation – this school allows the user control over nature and other aspects of the natural world. Clairvoyants can expect to be able to manipulate plant growth and animals. The magic also expands to emotion manipulation, said manipulation extends to animals and sometimes spirits. This magic also allows the user to cleanse or purify areas of land from both the negative impacts caused by people and the ill-fated spirits that roam the world. •Augmenter: [hider=Spoon] A very tarnished and beat up plain silver spoon [img]https://newengland.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/tarnished_spoon-560x458.jpg[/img] [/hider] •Skills: [b]Plant Growth [/b]– He can manipulate the growth of plants, mostly how big or which way they grow is up to him. He can do it by touch for a quicker response or can meditate and grow all plants within roughly 50 feet of him at a slower rate. [b]Healing Touch [/b] – through his continued touch he can heal most wounds by speeding up the body’s natural healing processes. The more serious the wound the longer he has to remain concentrated. [b]Animal Friend [/b] – Toron is able to manipulate and read the emotions of animals by touch or by eye contact, this ability allows him to befriend or at times order normally wild or hostile animals. As far as the animal is concerned he’s an alpha at the most and is not a threat at the least, this does become more complicated when other people are involved as he can’t speak for them. But normally keeps the more aggressive animals at bay. [b]Purify/Cleanse [/b] – combining the emotion manipulation, healing, and growth, he is able to cleanse and heal areas of land from the corruption of negative spirits or the damage done by humans. This ability is normally used sparingly and in safe or secure areas because it makes him pass out for about a day immediately after its use. [b]Imbue [/b] – Toron can imbue natural things with his magic after it’s purified for very short amounts of time. He uses this only when he’s fighting to purify the wooden staff or wooden arrows, so they in turn can damage the spirits they must fight. [b]Natures Wrath [/b] – He does have one ability he has only used once and claims he never will again. This ability can only be used when he is either deeply sorrowful or full of rage. When it is used, it drains both his sanity and life force, it unfortunately can very well get him killed. When activated, this ability allows the wielder to summon a natural disaster by combining multiple element’s at the same time. The disaster he summons this way is random but can be influenced by the area he is in. For example, a rain storm could turn to raining flaming hail to fire and brimstone, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. the stronger it is the more he is drained and it is reflected back onto him. The first time he did this, it cost him 6 years of his life. |[color=8dc73f] PERSONALITY:[/color] | Toron tends to be… strange, and a bit of an airhead. He has been known to converse with pure spirits only he can see and all are named Steve. It doesn’t help that he also threatens people with his spoon before laughing and walking away. He doesn’t entirely understand personal space and can be rude simply because he doesn’t truly understand what is and is not rude. However, he tries to keep himself and everyone around him in a good mood, often going as far as to hurt himself or make himself look like a fool to cheer others up. This isn’t to say he can’t be serious, sometimes he can be deadly serious. When it comes to fighting his sole purpose and drive is to protect. When he’s like this he is straight to the point while still being a little crazy and reckless in combat. Preferring to attack at range or distract his opponent from afar while others lay in wait or ambush. Although rare he can be angry or sad depending on the moods of those around him. | [color=8dc73f]SAMPLE POST:[/color] | [hider=Sample] The slight cool breeze of morning air that moved through the trees and over the grass was a calming sound. The light steps of the cloaked man barely made a sound as he moved through the forest bounding in one direction then back in another. Moving through the underbrush whilst barely making a sound, pausing briefly here and there to listen and look before continuing. This man who was covered in both cloak and vine slowly made his way to a small clearing, calmly walking out into the middle the man stopped and looked around, “hey, Steve where did you run off too?” silence answered him while he waited, Toron nodded his head and frowned while looking towards the north, “why are we going that way? The village is east from here.” Another pause as the man folded his arms and shook his head, “I’m not going that way there are ruins and it’s dangerous, plus I don’t have my team with me.” Another pause and a sigh as the man turned and started to walk back towards the east. “Come on Steve we have a job to do then we can go on an adventure.” After some time the tall man had made it to the forests edge, the land beyond this point was farm land and fields filled with reclaimed land and stumps from where the forest once was. It wasn’t a particularly happy place for him, so much destruction at the hands of his kin. Still, he knew that it was for the best, everything had some type of hardship to go through, and without hardship one wouldn’t know when they were going through a good time in their life. The villagers of this particular town were going through hard times, their fields were not producing in the amount they needed to both survive and turn a profit. And so Toron the troll was summoned to clean up the area and help. Another simple job for a man who simply wished to help. The villagers didn’t seem too concerned with the tall cloaked man covered in vines and other vegetation. He moved amongst the land like he was part of it, why would they notice him in the first place. Upon inspection of the farmland he found the soil to be okay, the villagers simply needed to work on their irrigation and fertilization techniques for the plants to thrive. However, before he went off and informed them of this Toron sat down in the middle of the field and meditated. Before long, new life had sprouted where seeds had been planted until they were all a few inches high. The farmers took notice of the sudden growth and flocked over to the man, watching their food sprout and grow before their very eyes. Once he was through some farmers murmured and whispered, some asking about what he had done, others wondering about the magic, and others still wondering if the food was safe to eat. All were surprised when Toron popped up from his sitting position with a smile on his face, he introduced himself and explained what their issue was before wandering aimlessly back off into the forest yelling at something named Steve. [/hider] [/hider]