[@tex] go for it! [@Gareth] no problem with those edits, thanks! [@ReusableSword] oooooh I like what you did with your idea. I would say though that I’m finding a bit of disconnect between the idea of nature and being able to manipulate emotions. I feel like that would be more for someone with illusion magic or some school that allows for mind reading or things like that. That being said, I think with a bit more creativity this could be really cool if you try to expand on it a bit more. I wouldn’t go the route where you necessarily have any affect over humans. Animals maybe, but think about “nature” and what that entails in itself. When I think of it, I think of like precipitation and natural disasters, making it rain fire or turning water into wine [i]that[/i] to me is taking something “natural” and making it something more or amplifying it. I’m not gonna accept this yet just because I want you to rethink those skills again and see what else you can come up with. Feel free to pm me if you want to get more help :3 [@Lord of Evil] I had a feeling you were gonna give me an awesome character. Accepted! Toss him into the character tab!