OK PLEASE MEET YOU RULERS: Queen Avaline Dark-bringer [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/aa/fb/6e/aafb6e9800dec1b5c3f56c10b9ac5b54.jpg] Despite her young appearance, she is actually 52. Avaline is a compassionate queen, she never questions her children's judgements, and she likes to hear the problems of her people. She loves to read on her throne and lets her Children live their lives how they want. She doesn't expect them to fight for her or her kingdom but does expect that they be kind to those around them. When confronted by battle she asks her enemies to lay their weapons down and walk away, if they fight she will try to make them surrender. King Kurova Light-bringer [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/78/49/8e/78498e3ee85bf6ebd05382396042cfd9.jpg] This King is at a nice age of 63 Kurova demands respect from his subjects, he doesn't take the time to listen but he loves his children. But he expects that they carry out the legacy of their family, that is to ALWAYS fight for the light. He is always preparing to attack anyone, even his own children, who say they are Dark. He has a deep desire to rule the entire world.