[i]15th Rain's Hand 4E208, Jerall Mountain Dwemer Excavation Site

“[i]I trust you’ve had a good scrap from time to time. Just make sure to watch where you’re swinging your blades, it’s hard to see a damn thing down here.”[/i]

Judena found it easy to follow Rhea’s lead, her decisions where falmer were lurking coincided with her instincts, there had been only a handful of times when Judena had run into the blind, gnarled fellows, personally. They were wiley, sharp and ruthless to fight. 

As she climbed up to a more defensible position, she among the other magicka users casted their magelights. The tension grew, as individuals - they readied in their own ways. Judena held out her hand, palm up, in it pools of her magika gathered. Growing from within it was a diamond shaped blue crystal, Ironflesh as a spell grew in potency. The spell formed completely, spinning in her hand she brought it toward her chest willing the armour to cover her body completely. She held her spear out peering past the light, going absolutely still. Her ‘beard’ slowly expanded, she did not blink nor did a muscle move. At the fateful sneeze she hadn’t even twitched.

Balroth and Gaius dashed forward to deal with the mages, Megana began firing arrows removing one of the pesky archers. Where Megana missed, Judena saw opportunity. From closer ranks, the argonian came forward in a dash supporting her allies the heat of flames creating a breadth of space for them to find opportunity themselves. A couple falmer shrieked with fear as their meager clothing caught fire. Largely frustrating the lot of them having lost their own magickal support. Directing her flames where some falmer attempted to grow close once again. The light of flames brightening the area.

“Come! Anrenfar! Join your spell to mine!” Judena shouted, clearly unaware of saying the Altmer’s name wrong but she was quite clearly addressing her fellow mage and scholar. They would provide their allies with every opportunity to safely dispatch them.