[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KuIZYZy.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/fUvmY2u.gif[/img][/center] After having enjoyed his breakfast and having had that rather long conversation with Noel, Ice washed off his dishes and thanked Bliss for her amazing cooking with a nod. He left the dining hall before he could be caught by another Infinite, thinking that cooling his head off might be a good idea. His face still heated up every now and again over his new found trauma, and he tried to think of anything else... Well, [i]almost[/i] anything else. While Ice started down the hall, he felt something graze his neck and he jumped, reaching to touch the weapon hidden in his waistband. After a moment of silence, he reached up and felt that it was another loosened bandage that had fallen onto his shoulder again. Sighing, Ice thought over his options. He could go back up to the POD room and go ask that witch for forgiveness and plead for help, or he could find wherever Mercy had run off too. With the latter option seeming much more approachable, Ice set out in search of Mercy. The problem was, of course, Ice had no clue where she was. The one time he had asked her for a favor, he had found the Plague Doctor in her room. Now he was having a much harder time with her door being completely unresponsive. As he continued searching around the second floor, he passed by the dining hall again and peeked in, just to make sure he hadn't missed her going in. At a loss, he continued traveling the halls, hoping that at some point today he might get an afternoon nap for his headache... but more preferably a morning one. After her situation with Max, Ellie placed her journal in a different place than her back pocket feeling as if it was in an exposed place, she held the small leather bound tome in her hands as she walked wondering where she could place it, various thoughts of where she could put it filled her head but none of them seemed like good ideas to her, most of them felt like they would be more suspicious than anything, the mature woman sighed before hugging the book close to her chest and getting an idea, she knew the perfect place to put it, but she couldn't do it right in the middle of the hallway, she looked down to her feet before bumping her breast into someone. Ice exhaled a curse as something came in contact with the makeshift sling Ice had made from his hospital gown. When his eyes met a woman with blue hair that he had never seen before. He knew that there were new Infinites coming in, but this one seemed to have... more [i]assets[/i] then he had ever seen before. His gaze couldn't help but glance down at what had bumped into his poor hand. [color=orange]"Knockers... Uh- Hi?"[/color] While the Donor may have been a thug at one point, he did not engage with the red light district part of that world. The most he had ever thought about his kind of thing resolved around having a wife at some point, so he felt like a deer in headlights. He glanced back up at her face, [color=orange]"I'm Isaiah, but everyone calls me Ice."[/color] He tried to keep his face neutral, but it was super red and he couldn't help but glance down again. When Ellie's eyes met with the person she so rudely bumped into, she noticed that he was focused directly on her chest and instead of overreacting, she blushed and held her diary behind her back, she looked at the boy as he struggled with his words, calling her some slang word before shaping up and greeting her. Ellie waved to him repeating."[color=cyan]Hi[/color]" to him, she put her diary her back pocket before realizing the boy was just staring at her not saying a word, she coughed right before he told her his name and nickname."[color=cyan]Oh, I'm Emily, but most people call me Ellie for short.[/color]" She got a bit closer to Ice."[color=cyan]I'm sorry for bumping into you, you aren't hurt are you?[/color]" She asked pointing out his bandages."[color=cyan]I take care of the disabled and the people who recovering from bad injuries.[/color]" Ice rubbed his head, upsetting and loosening his bandages even more, this was no way for a man to act. Gathering strength, he met her eyes and did his best not to let them wonder,[color=orange] "I'm fine-"[/color] the bandages finally gave up their last effort to stay on and fell around his shoulders. [color=orange]"I was uh, just going to see a quack about these, I can't do much with this blasted hand of mine."[/color] Ice wasn't the kind of person to ask for help even if he needed it, that had been true for most of his life. What with his siblings always relying on him, he had to be steadfast and strong, even if his body itself wasn't.[color=orange] "I know someone who could use your services though, she's a blind Infinite here called Aleecia Marvic."[/color] Ellie shot Ice a look when he said he was fine then spoke about his hand and calling someone a name."[color=cyan]Now Isaiah![/color]" She glared at him."[color=cyan]There is no need for name calling, especially when the person you're insulting isn't even here to defend themselves, what would your mother think of you doing such a thing?[/color]" She asked crossing her arms then sighing."[color=cyan] I'll look over the rude insult to who ever you are insulting, but you should think before you go off spouting insults.[/color]" She then took a closer look at Ice leaning forwards looking at his bandages."[color=cyan] Now I won't say my first aid skills are as good as the Infinite Doctor, but I can help you, now stay still.[/color]" Ellie unwrapped some of the bandages slowly, then she began slowly wrapping Ice up the best she could. The moment she finished he was better off, but she did make a couple mistakes when she re-wrapped him up."[color=cyan] Now Isaiah when you have something like this happen you should speak up about it instead of holding back and not telling anyone about it, what would you have done if this person you were going to go see was too busy for you or something happened to them?[/color]" She asked."[color=cyan] You should be more vocal and not be afraid to ask for help.[/color]" At the sound of his birth name, Ice stiffened. It was true that he usually spoke his mind without a filter, but it was to keep people at a distance and he was all for that. When she spoke of his supposed 'mother' a humorless small smile slipped over his face, if only for a half second. He felt a wave of embarrassment come over him when the woman started fixing his bandages. He didn't think much when Mercy fixed them considering she was always wearing that almost creepy mask of hers. And the nurses at Axis Mundi... weren't so... [i]voluptuous.[/i] Either way, Ice stayed silent through the entire ordeal. It kinda weirded him out that she kept calling him by his birth name, but nonetheless, he wasn't going to correct her on it. [color=orange]"Things usually resolve themselves either way."[/color] He reached to scratch the back of his neck again, but decided against it after Ellie had just fixed his bandages. He reached for a candy out of his pocket and plopped it into his mouth. Boy, was he getting a lot of sugar today. When Ice put on a smile she gave him a warm smile back, when he told her that things usually fix themselves, Ellie's face twisted into a pout."[color=cyan] Now Isaiah! Don't you go acting like some kind of tough guy, when you need help you will go and ask for it from whoever you can ask it from, we don't need someone dying because they thought their physical injury would just go away over night now[/color]." She told him in a stern voice."[color=cyan] You boys nowadays all think you're invincible. Listen Ice, I don't want anyone to die here, or any more people dying here, Mason and Quill were enough for me, please just think about asking for help from anyone when you need it most.[/color]" She softened her voice. Ice slouched a little, barely noticeable to the untrained eye. Getting scolded like this was not normal for the Blood Donor, [color=orange]"Look Mumsy, I know you may think this is helping me, but I really can take care of myself..."[/color] As she brought up Mason and Quill, Ice stiffened again, his expression hard set. He had heard about their deaths even if he may have been catatonic during the video, [color=orange]"There's no way I'll let anyone else die."[/color] He straightened up and his fists clenched, [color=orange]"Now is there something-"[/color] [Color=beige]"Right, sorry to bother you, cya later!" [/color] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfTvuXs.gif[/img][/center] Before Ice could excuse himself, Mercy appeared from the zen garden, supprisingly by herself. [Color=beige]"Oh, hello Ms. Emily! Ice!"[/color] The plague doctor spotted and walked up to the blood donor and caretaker, paying mind to move her mask aside. [color=orange]"Miss Mercy, if you could..."[/color] Ice moved his left arm up, which was in a make shift sling and felt pain shoot up his nerves, it wasn't smart to move even the arm at the moment. [color=orange]"Could you give me a hand? I'm not sure if it's healing correctly..."[/color] The man felt flustered to say the least. Not only did he just get scolded by some voluptuous ruella, now he had to do the one thing he hated the most... ask for help. Being helpless was godawful, to say the least. [Color=beige]"Oh dear, why didn't I see that before?!"[/color] The plague doctor cupped a hand to her mouth, seeing the blood donor's arm in it's condition. Mercy gently grabed Ice's hand to check if it can still move. [Color=beige]"Can you make a fist? Can you feel anything?"[/color] She asked, aware the second question was a bit stupid. Ice sighed, [color=orange]"I've splinted some of the fingers that can't move well, though I think some of the swelling may come from being around the severely injured ones. I think there may be a few fractures but definitely one of the fingers is broken."[/color] He reached to unwrap the hand and it was not a pretty sight. Everything around his knuckles was swelling or bruised, lines of imprints that looked like a wrapped around chain were pushed into his skin. [color=orange]"I had the chain wrapped around my knuckles, and then fell on it..."[/color] He flinched a little as a bandage snagged on something. [color=orange]"Is there anything that can be done?"[/color] The makeshift sling fell to the ground, having nothing to stay attached to. [Color=beige]"You should keep your arm stablized, above your heart. For the swelling, ironically, you should put it on ice. Lastly, take it easy, I dont want you to get hurt any worse than this, alright?"[/color] Mercy explained, a look of concern on her face. As the infinite doctor began looking at Ice's injuries, Ellie stared at the injury as well trying to see if she could pick up on something while she worked on Ice's hand, she wondered if it was worse than it looked and felt bad for the boy."[color=cyan] Now Ice how come you didn't go to the doctor sooner?[/color]" She asked him. Ice looked sheepish again, [color=orange]"I was busy..." [/color]He flinched again before trying to reach for the sling on the ground. [color=orange]"So... Do we have any actual medical equipment I could use? Like a sling or some kind of cast?"[/color] He really just wanted to take some pain killers and be done with it all. While he did want his injuries to heal, it was all such an annoying time consumer. [Color=beige]"I think we can get a sling from the ER."[/color] Mercy answered, grabbing the makeshift sling, and gave it to Ice. [Color=beige]"Here you go, like I said, take it easy."[/color] "[color=cyan]That sounds like a good idea doctor. Ice, your physical health should come first, and Doctor how come you didn't come to his help sooner? Your group should be looking out for each other a little closer, especially when you have someone like Ice who's constantly hurt.[/color]" She went off on the both of them. [color=orange]"I'm not-"[/color] Ice was about to make another outburst when before stopping himself and sighing. There was no use, she was going to scold the two of them no matter what. It wasn't like Ice was looking to get himself injured it just... happened. With another annoyed sigh Ice straightened up. [color=orange]"Thanks doc. And... have a good day Miss Ellie. I'll go check the ER out."[/color] Really Ice couldn't take much more of this woman, he really had never had someone try and tell him what to do like this, and he wasn't going to let anyone now, especially since he was already 29 years old. With another nod to the two women, he headed off to the first floor. [Color=beige]"Remember! Take it easy!"[/color] Mercy told Ice, before turning to Ellie. [Color=beige]"By the way...."[/color] She held her chin, before pointing to the caretaker's "mountains". [Color=beige]"Plastic or natural?"[/color] When the doctor just pointed to her and asked about plastic or natural, it didn't hit Ellie on what she was talking about."[color=cyan] Um, excuse me?[/color]" one her brows cocked up."[color=cyan] I don't understand[/color]."Then she understood what she was asking and she looked at Mercy a little more seriously."[color=cyan]They have been natural since I was a teenager.[/color]" she crossed her arms. [Color=beige]"Eh, never mind. Cya!"[/color] Before she could make Ellie mad, Mercy quickly left, acting like she didnt hear. As Mercy ran off, Ellie called out to her."[color=cyan]Wait! There's breakfast in the dining hall![/color]" She called out to the doctor hoping she heard.