Characters/Roll - Princess - Evelyn Argentum Assassin/Thief - Dagmar Jenkins The world is unlike that we know, with magic, mystical beings and creatures all a wonder, but not so unusual here. The lands are spread far and wide, ranging from great valleys, to dense magical forests, to the most desolate dry rocky tundras. Much of the land is wild and over grown, and remains unexplored by all but it's natural inhabitants. There are still creatures in this world that others have never witnessed themselves, but have only heard about in stories. All that seems make believe and fairy tales in this world, are true, and some quite dangerous, while others, simply breath taking. Throughout the world, inhabitants have taken spreads of land and claimed it as their own, Kingdoms reigning large areas and people, while neighboring Kingdoms keep their borders protected from invaders and the unknown. The Kingdom of Avalon is the greatest known to living kind, it's mass spreads for miles and miles, covering forests, and valleys, stopping just shy of the great mountains. The castle itself is massive, but houses several families of it's own, including those of royal heritage. The rulers of this particular Kingdom are known for their kindness and generous nature, they care for their lands and the people within, welcoming strangers with open arms, while also protecting all from any dangers that may attempt their way of life. The castle is also home to the workers of the royal families, from castle guards to council of court. The council of court are a group of highly useful beings who gather to deliberate on important matters, in the end, it is the King's say, but his council has been a good source of power from the beginning. Of course, not everything is perfection within the Kingdom of Avalon, with a population as large as this one, problems are going to occur. Not every being is kind and good hearted, and more than a few would love to have their chance to over throw the most powerful Kingdom. War is a constant possibility and the Kingdom must do it's best to remain vigilant for any threat. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The castle is vast and cascading. Ground Floor: Central - The Throne Room - This room is where the royal family meet during the day, each hold court or meetings in this room one on one, or regarding royal family matters. The Council of Court Room - This room holds a large table with a chair intended for each member. It is a place off limits to all who aren't apart of the Council. West Wing - The Kitchens - This room is full of the finest materials needed to cook with and several chefs of every variety. The Dining Lounge - A room where many members of the castle gather to eat The Servants Quarters - This is where all the servants live. There are several rooms and beds within each and made relatively comfortable. The Royal Family is known for it's kindness towards it's help. East Wing - The Ball Room - An extremely large room with lavish decor that sparkle invitingly. A fantastic jeweled chandelier hangs in the center of the room, glistening in the light of it's own candles. There is a small platform meant for live music while the rest of the floor is sleek and grand enough to fit hundreds of guests comfortably. Library - A room full to the brim with books of every kind More Servants Quarters - To help keep both from being overly crowded, two have been given for comfort. Second Floor: West Wing - Guard Quarters - This entire wing has been given to the Royal Guard and their families. East Wing - Castle Working Quarters - This entire wing has been given to all Royal Employees that are slightly more important than Servants. Third Floor - Both Wings - Council of Court - The Council of Court have been given this entire floor to stay in for both them and their families. Fourth Floor - Both Wings - The Royal Family - Each member of the Royal Family have their own room on this floor. The castle is spread greatly and has plenty of room for all of it's inhabitants. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: Nobody likes them, but they exist for a reason, and the one difficulty with this particular setting is the over powered, so there's a point to these things 1. No over powered/God like characters 2. No more than two powers at a time for now 3. When fighting, no automatic hits 4. No God Modding/Metagaming 5. No killing somebody else's character without permission from that person 6. Try to stay active! I know, real lives get involved, mine do too, but I will do my best to try to come on at least once a day. 7. If you are going to be gone for long periods of time, let me know and I will continue to hold a spot for you. 8. If you are gone for more than two weeks without any effort to contact me and let me know, your character will be killed off. 9. Have fun! As an added thought, I am TOTALLY open to story line ideas! So feel free to run with them, as long as they don't completely derail somebody else's character. Character Profile Name: Age: Species: Title: Job: Powers (if any): Weapons (if any): Likes: Dislikes: Talents: (what are you good at) Personality: Background: Pic/Description: