[@Sirkaithethird] Captain Antilles left the bridge, having decided to personally see the Princess's shuttle off, and saw a man standing there. "Abiel? I thought you would be in your quarters, since you were off duty. No matter. If you want to help out the Princess is about to head down to the planet to meet her contact. If you want you can join her. I trust her contact not to harm her, I met him during the Clone Wars, but I don't trust the Hutts, Tuskens, or half the people on this planet. I've seen moisture farmers mug people when they got desperate for money." With that he motioned for Abiel to follow him and walked to the docking bay. [hr] [@Burning Kitty] "I understand that I interacted with him quite a bit," said 3PO, "but, unfortunately Captain Antilles order that I receive a memory wipe shortly after the war ended, likely because I had developed behavioral glitches. R2, however, worked with him during multiple missions." R2 whistled for a few seconds. "He says he was a great pilot and a wise General, and from what he could tell, well respected by both the politicians and his troops." He continued to speak until she shut him up or they made planet fall, whichever came first. [hr] [@Apollosarcher] "The Princess's shuttle will launch in a few minutes." the Tantive IV responded on an encrypted channel. "Stand by." A few minutes later the shuttle left the hanger and made its way to Mos Eisly Spaceport, the nearest starport to Obi-wan's house. The ship's crew had loaded speeder bikes into the shuttle before they launched. It wasn't normal diplomatic protocol, but with no transport waiting to take them to Kenobi and no reliable high-end taxi service on this world, it was the best they could do. At least the bikes were clean and polished. "Docking bay 93," traffic control, or what passed for it here, had told them when they asked for docking instructions. It wasn't a fancy 'port, judging by the junky-looking YT-1300 in the bay beside them, but it was large enough to land both ships if the X-wing pilot was good enough to pull off a vertical landing. When they landed the pilot lowered the ramp only to find a blaster-carrying rodian standing there informing them that docking fees were 100 credits a day. [i]That's another thing the port has going for it,[/i] thought the pilot, [i]it's far cheaper that the nicer ones we've been to.[/i] Standard docking fees on Alderaan were around 200-300 per day, and on Corellia it could be as high as 500. Not that the Princess's ship had to pay on Alderaan, but the pilot had a private ship docked there too.