So, friends, Galbar is booming right now, Bronze is all the rage, people are learning how to build this crazy thing called farms, and mortal cities are probably already reaching wild number like 50 thousand if not 100 thousand pop. With sails, agriculture and a habit of ignoring how distant shit is from each other, trade is gonna become a thing. As such, it would be everyone's interest to keep track of what is where, so it's more consistent, and we don't need to have everyone eating wheat and being boring. Of course we can associate certain areas with certain regions, but things are not so clear. Mesathalassa is not-south america in some aspects but llamas only exist on the opposite side of the world. That is not even counting all the wild OC stuff like violet slugs, that glowy thing Hain use for torches and the dwarves' mushrooms. All that said, here is a sheet I am making. You can help and claim stuff,more than one region can have the same stuff. I am focusing on animal and vegetal goods, since metals and manufactured ones are a bit more widespread.