[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IQk8kze.png[/img] [@Shadow Daedalus][@Burning Kitty][@Inkwell][@BrokenWashing][/center] The force was a buzz. Kenobi had long felt the force at work around him, but it had been silent for so long as well. At times he would step out of his hut, and his eyes would drift to the sky. The twin suns of tatoonine could burn his eyes out, but so often, he wished he would just stare at them till his whole body burned away. In truth, he lived only for the sake of living... A fault of his own. He'd done so little when the empire took over, and now he was dealing with the consequence of that mistake. He should have done more. He should have made sure Vader was dead. He should have saved Padame. He should have... So many shoulds. Guess that's what they mean when they talk about hindsight. Somethings are just so obvious. In the distance he saw a Sand Crawler. Well, at least he had the benefit of having somebody to talk to today. But... The force told him there was more. In the future he'd know for sure whether this was for the best or not, but he could see a collection of sand speeders heading his way. Even with his old eyes, he could see the collection of souls. Some in particular sparkled with the force, and others, where merely droids. There was a blind man amongst the group who seemed to attract the force, but alongside such dignified company as one of the strange lifeforms now stuck on Tatoonine. Then, there was Leia. She was the most important. "Hello there!" He didn't move from his spot by the door of his hut for a moment or two. Before as the crafts slowed down he approached. "I assume Bail sent you. But... I was not expecting an army. Are you so afraid of an old man that you'd have to carry an entourage of mercenaries and rebels to my door?" Old Ben smiled, eyes drifting to each, and then pausing on the droid. "Oh, I see that one is an HK model, and... Well well, I feel like I'm seeing some ghosts." His eyes focused on C3P0 and R2-D2, and he moved on almost instantly. "Does the blind man need any help? I know it's rather rocky, and well, my house is small."