[hider=Inuyasha] Name: Inuyasha Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://dw9to29mmj727.cloudfront.net/thumbnails/episodes/2121-inuyasha-the-final-act-26-960x540.jpg[/img] Personality: Proud. He doesn't like being inferior or being made fun of. He often lashes out in anger. The one thing that can get through to him is his friends, especially Kagome, but she doesn't appear to be in this world. He's also a bit of a loner, preferring to be by himself much of the time. This is likely the result of him being an outcast from human society for most of his life. Brief History: He was born to a Lord of the Yokai (rough translation "demon") and a human princess. He didn't fit in with either groups, with the demons looking down on him and the humans hating or fearing him. One day, as an adult, he met a priestess named Kikyo. They fell in love and she offered to use a magic jewel under her protection to make him fully human. Due to interference by another half-demon name Naraku she believed that he stole it and sealed him to a tree for the next fifty years. He then met her reincarnation from 500 years in the future, named Kagome, and convinced her to pull out the arrow. The jewel ended up shattered and they spent the next few years fighting Naraku and hunting down the shards. After they finished their mission she moved back to his time and they got married. He was visiting the old well which led to her future world, and the nest thing he knew he woke up in the streets of her city, Tokyo. Universe of Origin: Inuyasha Equipment: [url=http://inuyasha.wikia.com/wiki/Robe_of_the_Fire-Rat]Robe of the Fire Rat:[/url] A Kimono that is made from the woven hair of Fire Rats. It is stronger than plate armor, resistant to corrosion and highly resistant to fire and heat. It also slowly repairs itself if it takes damage. Holy magic may make it lose it's power. [url=http://inuyasha.wikia.com/wiki/Tessaiga]Tessaiga:[/url] A sword which appears to be a rusted katana with a tattered handle. It can transform into a giant fang which can be used as a sword. Once transformed it can use the powers of powerful yokai it has killed, including breaking barriers (turns red), wind scar (energy blast, can be combined with Red form to break barriers), Backlash wave (converts enemy attacks into vortexs and sends them back), Adamant Barrage (diamond coated blade, fires shards of diamond), and MeidÅ Zangetsuha (create portals between this world and the underworld. Can be used to travel between this world and the afterlife. Can also be used to through crescent shaped portals that send anything it touches through, effectively cutting it by moving part of it.) The sword has two defensive abilities as well. Only those with human blood may touch it, or it will protect itself by shocking that person. (may ignore weak demons/non-humans). It is also tied to Inuyasha's life force. As long as he lives it cannot be broken, due to a protective barrier it creates around itself. This means that it will weaken him if it is used to block a powerful attack. Abilities: Superhuman endurance: Could get hit by a car going 60 MPH and survive, even without his armor. Superhuman strength: Can lift about a ton. Superhuman stamina: Can run indefinitely, and fight all-out for thirty minutes. Superhuman agility and reflexes: Routinely dodges or blocks arrows. Extended longevity: He's over 200 years old, and looks like a 16 year old. Accelerated healing factor: Can heal from a near-mortal wound in a week. Regenerative capabilities: Regrows missing body parts. Fangs and claws take a few days, fingers and toes a week, and limbs a month. Superhuman olfaction: Equal to a dog's. Superhuman hearing: Equal to a dog's Enhanced eyesight: Several times better than a humans. "Claws of Steel": Channels his demonic Ki into his claws to make them cut further and better. "Claws of Blood": By drenching his claws in his own blood, he can channel his Ki into that blood and throw it as crescent shaped blades. Other: On the night of the New Moon he turns human. If he's separated from his sword for too long he can lose control and become a full demon temporarily. [/hider] [hider=Tony Stark] Name: Tony Stark (Iron Man) Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Tony Stark] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/inclusive-marvel/images/b/b8/Tony-Stark-1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140820031842[/img] [/hider] [hider=Iron Man] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ironman/images/5/55/HOTMMS213-Hot-Toys-Iron-Man-3-Mark-33-12-inch-B_2.png/revision/latest?cb=20140301162958[/img] [/hider] Personality: A self absorbed egotist. He's a genius and he knows it, and wants everyone else to know it too. Most of what he does is either to test himself, improve himself, or prove his superiority. A self described "genius, playboy, Philanthropist", he helps people for both the fame and glory, but also because he doesn't like bullies hurting other people just to get their way. Brief History: Born to a Howard and Maria Stark on May 29, 1970, he grew up wealthy, attending the best schools. He distinguished himself several times in various contests as a teenager, and even hacked the Pentagon on a dare. When he was 21, after graduating MIT, his parent were killed in a car crash and he took over his father's company. With his leadership, they became one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the world. In his early thirties, though, he was kidnapped by terrorists, who ordered him to build a weapon for them. He built an early version of the reactor to power an electromagnet that keeps shrapnel out of his heart, and instead of the missiles they wanted, build a powered exoskeleton to fight them. After escaping, he returned to the US where he improved on the technology, streamlining it and replacing the reactor with one that was much less crude. His "Iron Man" suit became a media sensation when, during a weapons test, he took out some terrorists that were attacking a small village. While the government asked him to keep his identity a secret, his ego wouldn't let him, and he told the world that he was Iron Man. He joined a team called "the Avengers" and protected Earth from an alien invasion as well as a runaway AI, making multiple upgrades to the armor and reactor in that time. He even discovered how to make a non-toxic crystalline synthetic material that works much better than the original Palladium fuel the reactor originally used. One day he was in his lab, experimenting with inter-dimensional travel, when there was a flash and he was standing on the streets in New York City. Luckily, he had his armor on at the time. Universe of Origin: Marvel Equipment: Iron Man Mark 33 Armor, Cell Phone (no service, but with a wifi connection he can still use it to contact his armor), Suit recall bracelet (push the button and it flies to you), Arc reactor implant (in his chest. Max output of 10 megawatts for about two hours.), His wallet ($320 dollars cash, and the credit/debit cards don't work. But he does have a card for a free sub at subway, so that's good.) Abilities: Genius IQ: about 190 Doctorates from MIT in electrical and mechanical engineering Basic hand to hand combat Mark 33 armor: Titanium alloy plate, capable of withstanding the main gun from a light tank. Chest beam: Can put entire output of the reactor into a blast of plasma. Hand blasters: Can shoot blasts or beams of plasma capable of melting through light tank armor. Flight: The suit enables him to fly by using the thrusters in his hands, feet, and on his back. The hand blasters are just an alternate use for the hand thrusters. Super strength: Allows him to lift and throw several tons. Laser emitter: A laser in his forearm that can produce a beam capable of cutting through heavy armor. Can use most of the reactor's output, and needs it to cut through heavy armor. Jarvis: A stripped down version of his home's AI, it can fly the suit, perform diagnostics, design machines based on Tony's directions, and interface with other computers, even controlling their attached devices. He can also be copied into other computers to give him a new body to work with. Other: He doesn't like the fact that he is poor again, but he's been in a similar situation before. [/hider] [hider=Tyr Anasazi] Name: Tyr Anasazi Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/andromeda/images/0/0a/Tyr018.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101011143640[/img] Personality: He is one of the proudest people you'll ever meet. He is considered extremely selfish by most, as he is unlikely to help anyone unless he believes it to be in his own best interest, even if that "best interest" comes in the form of money. His people, Nietzcheans, follow the works of the philosopher Frederich Nietzche. As such, he believes that the ultimate goals in life should be to become all you can be and to reproduce. Everything he does goes to one of those goals, either by improving himself or proving himself to possible mates. He isn't interested in human women, though, as he is genetically incompatible with them. He is brutally honest with those he talks to. Brief History: He is out of Victoria (mother) by Barbarosa (Father). Born on the asteroid homeworld of Kodiak Pride, in orbit of a star named Enga's Redoubt. When he was young, though, his Pride was betrayed by their allies and attacked. He was sold off as a slave, along with many of the people in his Pride, to alien slavers but, after digging his way out of a cave in which trapped him and many others he killed his slavers and left the world, becoming a high end bounty hunter and mercenary. He eventually got a job with a Nightsider who paid him to "secure" a possibly derelict warship. When the rat betrayed him, though, he killed the rodent and later decided to join the crew of the ship in their foolish mission to restore the once great Systems Commonwealth. He went to sleep last night and woke up on this technologically backwards world. Universe of Origin: Andromeda Equipment: [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/77/dd/54/77dd5481a953445768d97153ab474086.jpg]Gauss machine gun[/url]: Able to punch through medium grade armor with ease. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7a/3b/91/7a3b91558d5c6c451aeb7ae0b4ef680b--pistol-things-i-love.jpg]Gauss Pistol[/url]: Designed for use against unarmored and lightly armored opponents. Titanium Chainmail shirt: light armor which can stop most modern projectiles, only leaving bruises Leather clothing Commonwealth ECM Generator: An arm band that disrupts the targeting systems of electronic smart weapons fired at him, usually causing them to miss. Dumbweapons, like bullets and melee weapons, aren't affected. Comms unit: A wrist band that can operate on a verity of frequencies and ties into an earpiece he wears. Abilities: Expert in most forms of combat Skilled mechanic (though this was in the future with far better technology) Expert Chef Skilled biochemist (especially with poisons) Arm blades: four sharp bones that come out of his forearms. Used for melee combat. Superior immune system: As strong as any mere human's immune system, it protects him from minor poisons, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Superior Strength: Strong enough to function normally in double Earth's gravity, he is capable of benching over 450 kilograms in Earth normal gravity. Genetically engineered: His hand eye coordination, visual acuity, reflexes, and stamina are on par with the best humans, and he has an IQ of 160. Other: [/hider]