sorry i've been out of it, I am so busy right now... BUT HERE ARE THE MANY POINTS I WANT TO SAY 1. My first pokemon game that i was actually allowed to play was diamond, then i completed platinum. I can see here that you lot are all like hardcore pokemon fans so please bare with my noobness ;) but sinnoh is the region i loved the most, played black and white but it wasn't the same...Unova kinda sucked. I dunno still love the old graphics and music etc. so when they started going all 3D and crazy I just died a bit inside... 2. HOW THE HELL DO YOU TYPE ON A 3DS GIVE THAT PERSON A MEDAL. MULTIPLE MEDALS. *round of applause* 3. I really wanna battle Alex but not now...need to get to grips with battling in rp forums first... 4. I been rping for 3 years now which actually seems like nothing looking at you guys...but forum RP is something I've been doing for little under a year now, super new to this. Otherwise I used to rp in games like Feral Heart. Err but actually writing things, writing stories etc. i've been doing since I was 4 or something crazy...I've always wanted to be an author *don'tjudge* OK THATS IT I'LL READ THROUGH THE POSTS AND POST TOMORROW HOK?