[hider=Stephanie Alexia Summers] [IMG=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md951hUPiE1qkdght.gif] "I’m not the mutant to mess with." "The Basics..." Name: Stephanie Alexia Summers. Mutant Alias: The Marvel Phoenix. Nickname: Redd – She got that nickname because of her brightly colored red hair. Age: 24. Gender: Female. Sexuality: Pansexual. Occupation: Field Agent. Professor of Power Control. Sometimes Chef. "The Appearance..." Description of Appearance: Stephanie is five foot six and weighs about one-hundred and twenty pounds but let her small frame fool you because she has a little upper body strength and that is due to dancing, gymnastics and cheerleading. Her hair is a very bright red and she usually keeps it in a high ponytail, when she is on a field assignment but when teaching or around the mansion, she’ll wear it down and it reaches past her mid back. Her eyes are a hazel brown color and almond shaped. Her skin complexion is an olive color though she doesn’t like her skin color for some reason. Her lips are usually stained with either red or pink lipstick, when teaching but when she has a hot date or just around the mansion, they're stained with her cherry flavored lip gloss. Style: She usually dresses formal when teaching though around the mansion she dresses a little skimpy but not too skimpy in front of the kids. Her style usually insist of short dresses and heels. She sometimes wears a tank top, short shorts and tennis shoes or converses. "Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: ♥Chocolate - Anything else that is sweet, she absolutely loves. ♥Writing. ♥Reading. ♥Her Friends. ♥Teaching. ♥The X-Men. Dislikes: ♠Smartass Remarks. ♠Things that are sour - Yes even people. ♠The war against the mutants. ♠People talking about her mother negatively. ♠People that judge others. Mutation: Pyrokinesis – The ability to control fire with one's mind. She can also control the temperature of heat within a fire. Telepathy – The ability to read or communicate with others through the mind. Strengths: She very strong at giving other mutants advice, if they have problems with not being accepted or whatever. She'll always be available to help them. Her main strength is, of course, her Pyrokinesis and Telepathy. She is very powerful when it comes to those abilities but not to the point where she can't control it since she was trained by Professor X, himself. Weaknesses: If she is around too much water, then her Pyrokinesis will not work - For instance, if she is showering or going for a swim, her ability will not work and she will feel absolutely powerless. For her Telepathy not to work, the other recipient either has a mental block, has a helmet on their head or a metal plate in their head. Another reason for her Telepathy not to work is migraines. If she has a migraine or a massive, she will not even try to use her Telepathy ability. Personality: Bubbly| Bright| Nurturing| - It seems like ever since birth, Stephanie has always been the nurturing type. She was use to watching her mother take care of her, her father and other siblings. She nurtures also anyone that needs it and will make sure that they are back to their normal selves before taking her eye off of them. She has a special glow about her when it comes to people and that comes from her bubbly personality, which will make people smile and laugh the instance they see her - Usually. She doesn't like to be the Debbie-Downer in situations and she tries her best to make sure that everyone is having a perfect day but nothing is perfect so sometimes she'll go the extra mile just to make sure that everything was. "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: [W.I.P.] Other: She keeps her mother's gloves on her dresser, at all times, right next to her father's sunglasses. [/hider]