
Kiki is always overloaded about subjects, her brain is nanolaced with superconductor wires 1 to 20 atoms thick which have built her brain into a system that rivals the biggest and best military, government, or corporate Servers. When people ask her questions she can't help but assign a portion of her mind to the subject which then conducts a search of its files, the local files and even the Net as it digs out every possible bit of data available. She will answer the question with the best data at the time but could say a week or month later just blurt out more data on the question out of the blue. 

She can't control it because that part is linked to her subconscious 

Then there is the fact that she hears music, commercials, talk radio, and all those other things that are broadcast through the air. She might just hum the tune she hears in the forefront or laugh at a joke she hears or just say "Bullshit!" out of the blue when she hears someone lie on a podcast