[@LemonZest1337] That's honestly up to you. He could be nearby for some reason, already received a note from Cerise or he's at the airport getting some snacks and just wants to help the obvious tourist. This is a rather light RP with a storyline but heavily leaning towards sandbox at its core. One thing to note is that Emma kinda has an aura to her that gods are drawn to (she's oblivious to this fact mind you). So if she's near a God, they will sense her at the very least.

[@Taytay] And awesome, I'm fascinated on where this will go. 

To everybody: Here's something to think about do you want just Emma to be the only one with a god magnet aura or do you each want a unique one? Each has it's advantages. If Emma's the sole one, it means more gods will compete for her attention and it would be at times easier for everyone to meet each other. If she's not it can be easier to manage as each character has their own self-contained story but conflict between players would be diminished. I prefer the former as I think apart from fun, interaction is tantamount to an RP but if you guys want to have your own divine magnet I can tailor that.