
Kiki was bored with all, the self imposed isolation of her searches; she thought self imposed because short of confining her in an energized faraday cage. The drab little virtual world of the village but she loved how all her mother’s friends her self appointed family had gathered around her and expressed how happy and sad they were to see her go.

[center][h3]”What a strange world surrounds me?”[/h3][/center]

She thinks as she now sits atop two large canvas gym bags, one containing her private undergarments; handmade by her mom and her two assistants. It was strange to think how the most private garments she owned had by and large been made using a 3D factory.  You see her mom was a Cyber Psychologist who specialty was the development of AI’s; some thought wrongly that Kiki’s ability was why when her own mom abandoned her Doctor Amelia Moondance adopted her; no Kiki was daughter of the Pagan woman’s spirit.

The other bag held her necessary items in case there was a supply issue and a pair of knee high pink silk pajamas decorated in 108 different fairy dragons which Kiki had used a spider silk loom normally used to make cloth combat armor and web gear. She loved them and prayed the new handlers weren’t allowed to take them as it would be difficult to replace them and she had molded them so that the thread patterns gave were they should and tensioned when they could; the top was actually a pull over made to look like a short silk kimono and the whole outfit shed water quickly (84% in 5 seconds) and dried in 9 seconds even after total immersion. She usually told anyone who saw them she liked them for all the cute dragons.

Then a song intruded her reverie as she waited to board lost in the winds of memory; it was what she called a sport signal, one that mysteriously gained strength and demanded her attention.

It was a Lovely song called [url=https://youtu.be/ZtjoLZG-auk]Bloodlip[/url] and it was so good Kiki began dancing with her eyes closed to the tune which only she heard.

A gentle but brief hand to her shoulder snapped Kiki out of her dance, it was mom biting her lower lip arked nearby was a lab car with Toshi who Kiki knew loved to be called senpai by her and beside him was Dave her mom’s other assistant both men her ersatz uncles.

[color=B7486B]You’re late Mom[/color] says Kiki as she embraced her. [color=b7486b]I was hoping for a limo[/color]

Her mom smiles and grabs the two meager bags looking at her daughter and asking

[b]How can this be all you’re taking?[/b]

[color=b7486b]Mom I’m going to be military trained so the first thing they’ll do is dress us all alike, who knows they might shave our heads.

Under that consideration I have packed 12 different pair of underwear, my pink PJs, shower sandals, tampbft….[/color] answered Kiki till her mom pressed her finger to her lips for silence.

[b]I forgot my daughter is a practical witch[/b] then in a well executed display of prestidigitation her mom produces a small black box motioning they climb on the glorified electric golf cart’s rear seat.

As they head to the waiting aircraft Kiki opens the box and finds and exquisite handmade Pentacle of silver wire sitting at the center of a fine but strong spider’s web of silver wire. The size of a half dollar it is provided with a squires chain 20 inch necklace her mom helps put it on her.

No one says a word after that and even when they drop her off at the edge of the flight apron there is only silence as she kisses them all on the cheek and grabs her bags turns and bounces towards the waiting craft enjoying a song Toshi gave her at the party
[center][url=https://youtu.be/jryzEU7WAlg]You don’t get me High anymore[/url][/center]