[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oq52s17.png[/img] [b][color=ff4500]The Twilight Queen Level 6 Hero 67 Khookies[/color][/b][/center] Luna stopped to rest for a moment, wiping the sweat from her brow and gazing towards the distance. Although they had been travelling near the Mahd all this time and had been benefiting from the cooling effect it had on the air nearby, this didn't mean that the sun was any less hot than it had been two nights before, when they'd left the cave. [color=ff4500][b]"...what I would give to get back into that cave right about now..."[/b][/color] Luna muttered under her breath absentmindedly, but then her eyes widened and she quickly covered her mouth, her wolf ears perking up, trying to detect any incoming attacks. What followed was possibly one of the most nerve-wracking minutes Luna had ever experienced. Fortunately, nothing came. Luna sighed, releasing her tension... [i]Whoosh[/i], [b]SMACK[/b], thump. A gust of wind, a sharp pain at the back of her head, and the disorientation that followed meant that Luna could not help but fall face first into the sand. The wolf laid there for a few seconds, grunting in pain and confused. Her hands shifted through the sand and soon she was back up, rubbing her head, the frown on her face making her especially vicious looking. She looked up, and sure enough, there was the owl. Looking at her like she was nothing but a clumsy fool, the owl reminded Luna of Wulfrun, the alpha male of her old pack, back at Cygnea. That constant, noncommittal look on its face and the fact that it rarely spoke about anything other than when it wanted her to do something or to berate her, reminded Luna so much of her old pack leader that she decided to name the owl after him, Owlfrun. Oh, how she wanted to run away from this owl... Alas, the owl completely overpowered her. No matter how many times she tried to shield her mind from Owlfrun, it was as if it could completely penetrate her defences, speaking directly into her mind, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Nevertheless, to Luna, Owlfrun's mental prowess felt like a drop of water in front of the sheer terror of the wave-like crushing pressure its physical power put on her. Speed? Better chance at racing a lightning bolt than catching up to the owl. Agility? Have you ever tried to catch a feather inside a sandstorm? Power? Luna was a mutated creature of Cygnea, directly enhanced by Ull'Yang. She could survive one of those weird human buildings made of stone collapsing on her and yet Owlfrun's wings still managed to pummel her to the ground. Even after two days and although her body had mostly recovered from the injuries caused by the Fire Devil, she still felt sore all over, a direct result of the owl's "teachings" as it called them. Now the owl was floating above the river itself, flapping its wings as it surveyed the surrounding area. Luna was sitting there, staring daggers at the back of Owlfrun, her mind going to a fro, trying to come about a plan to take down this strange... kidnaper? The wolf certainly didn't know what to make of the owl and its behaviour towards her, and this was one of the topics that had taken up much of her thinking time in the past couple of days, the other topic being the disappearance of the Sunderer, Ull'Yang's weapon. The one thing she knew was the direction the owl was taking her, north. To where exactly, she didn't know; the owl was not really that fond of explaining itself or its intentions. [color=66CDAA][b][i]"Enough resting, stand up."[/i][/b][/color] The owl's voice echoed in Luna's mind. It turned around and glanced at her for a moment, that perpetual blank look on its face giving no hints as to what was going on inside its brain. [color=66CDAA][b][i]"I can see some kind of settlement from over here, but it seems damaged. Time to investigate."[/i][/b][/color] With that, Owlfrun turned around once again and started flying up the Mahd. Luna grit her teeth, making a promise to herself to make the owl pay for all the abuse she had endured thus far, and stood up. Her body was sore and she could already feel the early signs of a very, very bad headache, and yet she could do nothing more than keep following the owl. At the end of the day, Owlfrun truly seemed to have been the one that saved her, although that too Luna was starting to doubt. With "friends" like that, who needs enemies?[hr] True to its word, Luna really did spot a village after some time, a fair bit of distance away. From her position, she could see smoke rising from that place, which for some reason seemed familiar to the wolf. It took them another hour or so of walking to finally arrive, but it seemed they were a little too late. Collapsed buildings littered the place, smouldering embers far too many and scattered throughout the area giving clues about the great disaster that had befallen this village. Luna walked through the wreckage, looking for any survivors. In the back of her mind, the blurred visage of the Fire Devil re-emerged, giving her goosebumps all over. [color=ff4500][i]"That beast had companions..."[/i][/color] Luna concluded grimly. A wet cough suddenly interrupted her train of thought, and she turned to see where the sound had come from. Right there, a few meters away from her, a human torso stuck out of a pile of rubble like a sore thumb. Luna quickly walked over and knelt next to the man, supporting him with her hands, being as gentle as she could be. That's when she realised why the place felt familiar; it was the village she had stopped by to ask for directions on her way towards Vetros. Luna had pieced some clues together as she walked between the collapsed houses, but only then did she determine that this destroyed place was, in fact, that same village. The fragile body she was now supporting with her hands was that of the shaman that had his mind so crudely invaded by her back then. By some miracle, or freak accident depending on how one looks at it, after having the building collapse upon him the shaman did not die. Luna was sure that his lower body was beyond doubt crushed under the stone and debris, yet he'd somehow managed to remain alive until now. The wolf didn't really know what to do. She certainly could not invade his mind like she'd done before, that would spell certain death for him, but she couldn't think of any other way to communicate. From what she remembered the man spoke a crude version of Common and she could understand some of the words he had said back then, but that didn't mean the same went for him, that he could understand what she said. However, she didn't need to say anything. The man opened his eyes slightly and saw Luna staring back at him. Confusion turned to anger that quickly dissipated, replaced by resignation. Moving any part of his body, or what was left of it anyway, gave him a dull pain and nothing else; he had lost all feeling under his waist. Grunting, the shaman moved his hand, drawing some shapes in the sand next to him. Some distance behind the wolf, Owlfrun perched atop a boulder, observing Luna silently. The irises of its large eyes blazing emerald in direct contrast to its pitch black pupils. Suddenly, brown gas started coming out from underneath its feathers, slowly swirling around the owl and encasing it in a cocoon-like shape. After a split second, the cocoon started expanding upwards and out, taking on a humanoid appearance. [hider=Summary] The post is circa 3 weeks and 2 days after Realta invasion and attack on Vetros. Luna and the owl have been travelling. Luna stops for a moment to rest, and some careless words come out of her mouth, for which she quickly gets punished for by the owl. We explore the strange dynamic that has been developed between the owl and Luna: Luna kinda hates the owl for the constant abuse it directs towards her, constantly thinking of ways she could get rid of it, and the owl just does not care about anything she does, bossing her around like a mule. Unfortunately, she can't really escape from it since it's leagues above her in power, both mentally and physically. The owl reminds Luna of her old pack leader, Wulfrun, and the way he used to treat her before Ull'Yang took her away, and thus decides to name the owl after him, giving it the name Owlfrun. It is also revealed that they are heading north and that the Sunderer is once again lost. The owl sees the remains of a village some distance away from them, and so they set out to investigate what happened there, much to Luna's dismay. What they see when they arrive there is a completely destroyed human village. Luna walks among the rubble, thinking about who was it that attacked the village. Judging from the existence of burned ground and the large area of destruction arrives at the conclusion that the village was attacked by the Fire Devils, a term she coined for the Realta. Suddenly, a cough draws her attention, and she finds a survivor trapped under the rubble. She hurries over to him, only to realise that it was the same shaman that she had met three weeks before, which meant that the village they were in was the same village she had stopped by to ask for directions to Vetros. Luna is stumped, not knowing what to do as she kneels there, supporting the man whose lower body is trapped under the collapsed building. The man opens his eyes, and we get a brief sequence of emotions out of him. He stars drawing something on the sand. Behind her and on a rock, Owlfrun is perched, watching Luna. A peculiar gas starts seeping through its feathers, engulfing it completely, jump-starting some kind of transformation. [/hider][hider=Khookie Summary] [list] [*][b]+6[/b] post length Khookies to Luna [/list][b][u]TOTAL[/u][/b] [list] [*]73 Khookies [/list][/hider]