As he watched, the ball seemed to be shrinking and shrinking. Noises seemed to be coming from down inside it, disgusting sounds that made Willow queasy. A sickening sound seemed to be coming from the pool of darkness and Willow could barely hear it. Listening to it made him want to vomit. The arena was dead silent, listening, and the sounds were that much louder from inside. When a loud retching gag was heard from inside, Willow gagged as well. A few moments later, a woman’s half-muted scream was heard again, and suddenly, Clairi’s body went flying out of the darkness, blood pouring from the front half of her body, finally landing on her stomach, eyes wide open, staring into the distance. The medics were on her in a second, doing their best to repair the damage to her body. Willow stared into the arena, at the stream of blood and slimy sheen of viscera underneath the glowing overhead lights, and the vomit on the psychic’s body and he dropped to his knees, fingers threaded through the fence, having lost his ability to stand. Screaming and applause filled the stadium. He watched as Clairi’s body was teleported from the arena. The pool of darkness dissipated, leaving Void standing in the center, holding her stuffed bunny and standing in front of a pool of vomit and blood. Void giggled and looked up to Firecracker, extending her outstretched hand to him, as if inviting him to play. All the color and amusement was out of Firecracker’s arrogant face as he saw the destruction that little girl had wrought, but he started walking towards Void, ready to begin the battle. The nausea overwhelmed Willow and he ran out of the arena, running towards the nearest trashcan beginning to vomit into it, shaking uncontrollably. Once he was outside, he wasn't even quite sure what had happened. The details were fuzzy but the horror he'd seen had been real.